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Education for Homeless Children and Youths Recovery Plan
Last updated: 2009-05-15

Table of Contents

Click on each of the links below to read the part of the Plan relating to each topic.


Program Purpose
To ensure that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education available to other children, the program provides assistance to: (1) establish or designate an Office of Coordinator of Education of Homeless Children and Youths; (2) develop and carry out a State plan for the education of homeless children; and (3) make subgrants to local educational agencies to support the education of those children.

Public Benefits
This program supports services that help homeless children to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school. Specific activities and services required and funded by the program include identification, creating awareness, and decreasing barriers to enrollment. At the local level, the program also supports such services as tutoring, transportation, and counseling and helps ensure access for homeless children to preschool programs, special education, and gifted and talented programs. At the State level, State coordinators provide technical assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and coordinate with other State agencies and program offices within State educational agencies. ARRA funds will help States and LEAs address the recent increases in student homelessness and meet the need for coordination of education and other services for homeless children and youth. LEAs receiving ARRA funds will be able to provide services to more students and more LEAs will receive subgrants.
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The measures have been revised to enrich the performance metrics for Recovery targets. In some instances, targets will not be available until additional baseline data has been collected.

2009 2010 2011 2012
Percentage of homeless students meeting or exceeding State proficiency level or standard in mathematics.Frequency : Long-term/Annual
Direction : Not Available
Type : Outcome
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Not Available
Percentage of homeless students meeting or exceeding State proficiency level or standard in reading.Frequency : Long-term/Annual
Direction : Not Available
Type : Outcome
Explanation : Not Available
Unit : Not Available
Percentage of homeless students who participate annually in State assessments in mathematics.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Not Available
Type : Output
Explanation : The Education for Homeless Children and Youths program ensures that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education available to other children and gives States needed assistance in providing homeless children and youth with learning opportunities that enable them to make significant academic progress. The program facilitates the enrollment of homeless students in school and gives them access to services available to other children. Homeless children face many barriers that impede their educational access and success, and this program helps to reduce and eliminate those barriers. The performance measures that focus on the percentage of homeless students who participate in State assessments help measure the extent to which school systems are holding themselves accountable for the educational outcomes of their students.
Unit : Not Available
Percentage of homeless students who participate annually in State assessments in reading.Frequency : Annual
Direction : Not Available
Type : Output
Explanation : The Education for Homeless Children and Youths program ensures that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education available to other children and gives States needed assistance in providing homeless children and youth with learning opportunities that enable them to make significant academic progress. The program facilitates the enrollment of homeless students in school and gives them access to services available to other children. Homeless children face many barriers that impede their educational access and success, and this program helps to reduce and eliminate those barriers. The performance measures that focus on the percentage of homeless students who participate in State assessments help measure the extent to which school systems are holding themselves accountable for the educational outcomes of their students.
Unit : Not Available

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Schedule and Milestones

The Department awarded the McKinney-Vento ARRA funds to SEAs on April 10, 2009. SEAs have until August 8, 2009 to award these amounts to LEAs. All States will reserve, from the regular, July 1, 2009 allocation, 25 percent (for minimally funded States) or 50 percent of the total FY 2009 funds they receive. All McKinney-Vento ARRA funds must be obligated by September 30, 2011. ED will collect the first data as part of the Department's Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2009-2010 in December 2010. The Department will make the report’s findings publicly available in national summary and State-specific form by June 2011. ED will begin monitoring the administration of McKinney-Vento ARRA funds from October 1, 2009 as part of the regular monitoring of ESEA Title I and related programs, which includes reviews of subgrantee LEAs. Those reports are published on under Title I monitoring usually within four to six months of the review.

MilestoneCompletion Date
All SEAs will announce the awards for McKinney-Vento ARRA funds to LEAs. 2009-08-10
The Department will begin its monitoring of the use of ARRA Homeless Education grants to States. 2009-10-01
The Department will send a monitoring report to States after monitoring visits. Not Available

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Projects and Activities

Kinds and Scope of Program Activities
State and local educational agencies may use funds for a wide variety of activities that facilitate the educational success of homeless children and youth. Such activities include tutoring, summer enrichment programs, the provision of school supplies, and professional development designed to heighten educators' understanding of and sensitivity to the needs of homeless children and youth. Services provided with these funds may not replace the regular academic program and must expand upon or improve services provided as part of the regular academic program.
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Review Process

The Department will monitor use of ARRA McKinney-Vento grants to LEAs through its regular Title I/ McKinney-Vento monitoring process, and by collecting participation and performance data through the ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR). The Homeless Education section of the CSPR for school year 2009-2010 will include outcome data from LEAs with McKinney-Vento ARRA subgrants.
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Cost and Performance Plan

The Department posts all CSPR at by June of the year after the school year reporting period for which the data were collected. All Title I monitoring reports for States, which include McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth programs, are posted at
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Energy Efficiency Spending Plans

This program does not invest in Federal infrastructure.
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Program Plan Award Types

Formula Grants

Recipient Applicant Type:
  • U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)
  • State

Beneficiary Type:
  • Local
  • Preschool
  • Child (6-15)
  • Education (0-8)
  • Education (9-12)

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Source: Data provided by the Agency through the Office of Management and Budget.