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ED - Program Plan

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Teacher Incentive Fund Recovery Plan
Last updated: 2009-05-14

Table of Contents

Click on each of the links below to read the part of the Plan relating to each topic.


Program Purpose
The program supports competitive grants to develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools. These systems consider gains in student academic achievement, classroom evaluations conducted multiple times during each school year, and other factors, and provide educators with incentives to take on additional responsibilities and leadership roles.

Public Benefits
Program goals include:

(1) improving student achievement by increasing teacher and principal effectiveness;

(2) reforming teacher and principal compensation systems so that teachers and principals are rewarded for increases in student achievement;

(3) helping ensure an equitable distribution of effective educators; and

(4) creating sustainable performance-based compensation systems.

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The measures have been revised to enrich the performance metrics for Recovery targets. In some instances, targets will not be available until additional baseline data has been collected.

2009 2010 2011 2012
Changes in LEA personnel deployment practices, as measured by changes over time in the percentage of teachers and principals in high-need schools who have a record of effectiveness.Frequency : Long-term/Annual
Direction : Not Available
Type : Outcome
Explanation : This measures the annual change in the proportion of teachers and principals in high-need schools who are effective.
Unit : Not Available
Changes in teacher and principal compensation systems in participating LEAs, as measured by the percentage of a district's personnel budget that is used for performance-related payments to effective teachers and principals (as measured by student achievement gains).Frequency : Long-term/Annual
Direction : Not Available
Type : Outcome
Explanation : This measures the annual change in the percentage of each districts' budget that is used for performance-based compensation.
Unit : Not Available

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Schedule and Milestones

The Department is preparing notices for publication in the Federal Register that will propose priorities for the grant competition and invite applications for awards. Eligibility information, a timeline for the competition, and the Federal Register Notice Inviting Applications will be posted in the Eligibility and Applicant Info sections of the program’s website, available at:

MilestoneCompletion Date
The Department of Education will publish the notice inviting applications for new awards.2009-07-31
The Department will receive grant applications.2009-10-02
The Department makes new competitive awards.2010-01-29

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Projects and Activities

Kinds and Scope of Program Activities
ARRA funding will support competitive grants to LEAs, including charter schools that are LEAs; States; or partnerships of
(1) an LEA, a State, or both, and
(2) at least one non-profit organization, to develop and implement comprehensive, aligned approaches to human capital and compensation systems that:
(a) support improved teacher and principal effectiveness and help ensure an equitable distribution of effective educators,
(b) actively involve teachers (including special education teachers) and principals in the design of human capital and compensation systems, and
(c) use data from emerging State and local longitudinal data systems to track outcomes and associate those outcomes with educator performance.
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Review Process

The Department will monitor grantee performance through:
(1) Reviewing three quarterly self-evaluations and one annual performance report (APR) for each year of the grant. These reports include information on grantee progress in meeting the goals and objectives of their applications, GPRA indicators, and anticipated carryover of funds. Each grantee will receive written feedback from program staff on the grantee's APR and, as needed, on other issues.
(2) Visiting TIF project sites, so that staff can verify information submitted through quarterly reports and APRs. ED staff will provide an overview of findings at an on-site exit conference and, subsequent to the visit, will send an additional, written report detailing recommendations, findings, and commendations.
(3) Reviewing drawdowns in the Grants Administration and Payments System (GAPS), which will allow ED personnel to verify that funds are being drawn down by the grantee regularly and in accordance with their district’s drawdown policy. If a grantee is not drawing down funds or is making excessive drawdown, the program officer will contact the grantee.

ARRA also mandates a rigorous, national evaluation of the program by the Institute of Education Science (IES). The IES evaluation will use a randomized, controlled methodology, to the extent feasible, to assess the impact of ARRA-funded performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems on teacher and principal recruitment and retention in high-need schools and subjects.

Finally, grantees will also contract for or conduct independent evaluations to assess their own performance and progress toward project-specific goals and objectives. The Department will review the results of these independent evaluations in determining what additional technical assistance to provide to each grantee.

The Department publishes award and performance information on the program's website, available at: Detailed descriptions of TIF grantees are posted on the Center for Educator Compensation Reform (CECR) website, available at:
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Cost and Performance Plan

Program staff will review quarterly and annual reports on grantee progress in meeting the goals and objectives of their applications, GPRA indicators, and anticipated carryover of funds.

The Department publishes award and performance information on the program's website, available at: Detailed descriptions of TIF grantees are posted on the Center for Educator Compensation Reform (CECR) website, available at:
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Energy Efficiency Spending Plans

This program makes no direct Federal investment in Federal infrastructure.
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Program Plan Award Types

Competitive Grant Program

Recipient Applicant Type:
  • Public Nonprofit Institution/Organization (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)
  • Quasi-Public Nonprofit Institution/Organization
  • State
  • U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)
  • Government
  • Local
  • Private Nonprofit Institution/Organization (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)

Beneficiary Type:
  • Quasi-Public Nonprofit Institution/Organization
  • State
  • Student/Trainee
  • Youth (16-21)
  • Rural
  • Other Urban
  • Suburban
  • School
  • Low Income
  • Private Nonprofit Institution/Organization (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)
  • Anyone/General Public
  • Child (6-15)
  • Education (0-8)
  • U.S. Citizen
  • U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education, Hospitals)
  • Local
  • Education Professional
  • Education (9-12)

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Source: Data provided by the Agency through the Office of Management and Budget.