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Global Climate Change

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Hurricane Catalina as photographed from the ISS
Hurricane Resource Page

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California fires
Fire and Smoke: Earth's Climate

Helping firefighters battle blazes

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Satellites Unlock Secret of Vanishing Water in India

visualization of India showing groundwater data

Groundwater beneath northern India’s farms and cities has been disappearing. Hydrologists, like NASA's Matt Rodell, have been hunting for it.

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NASA Goes Inside a Volcano, Monitors Activity

sensor like this is being placed inside and around the mouth of Mount St. Helens

Scientists have placed high-tech "spiders" inside and around the mouth of Mount St. Helens, the site of the most active volcano in the United States.

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NASA's Moon Mapper Beholds Home

This image of Earth taken from 200 kilometers (124 miles) above the lunar surface was taken by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper

This image of Earth taken from 200 kilometers (124 miles) above the lunar surface was taken by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper, one of two NASA instruments onboard the Indian Space Research Organization's ...

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