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Agency Recovery Plan

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Last updated: 2009-05-12

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  • Number of Programs:2

Program Plans

 Name of Program

Agency Plan

Broad Recovery Goals

Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Recovery Act), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has two major benefit programs to administer. These are:

Economic Recovery Payments. This program, authorized by Section 2201 of the Recovery Act, provides for one-time payments of $250 to eligible adult beneficiaries under the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA). Most of these payments are scheduled to be issued to RRB beneficiaries in late May 2009.

Extended Unemployment Benefits. This program, authorized by Section 2006 of the Recovery Act, provides for up to 13 weeks of additional extended unemployment benefits to rail employees who have already exhausted their unemployment benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA).

Competition on Contracts

Not Applicable. The RRB is using only one small contract of less than $50,000, which is being handled through the Government Printing Office, for printing of beneficiary notices.

Contract Type

Not Applicable.

Accountability Plan

Both programs for which the RRB is responsible under the Recovery Act are based on, or similar to, the RRB’s ongoing program responsibilities under the RRA and the RUIA. Agency executives and senior managers have adequate language in their performance plans to hold them accountable for program integrity, program performance, information technology, leadership and management and other related topics. Performance results under the Recovery Act will be assessed using those same performance plans and standards.

In addition, the RRB’s Senior Accountable Official for the Recovery Act is also the agency’s Performance Improvement Officer, as well as the Director of Programs. As such, this senior executive serves on the agency’s Executive Committee along with the Senior Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the General Counsel, the Chief Information Officer, and the Chief Actuary. She coordinates with those officials as needed and also advises the head of the agency (the three-member Board) on matters related to performance and the Recovery Act.

Source: Data provided by the Agency through the Office of Management and Budget.