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American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act 


Affordable housing made possible through American Recovery Act
Governor and Dep. Treasury Secretary highlight senior living center in Osawatomie

First major Recovery Act road project starts


"The Recovery Act has been essential to our state, not only in terms of balancing the budget without demolishing essential state programs, but it's also been important to Kansans who are struggling to get through this national recession… Projects, like Woodland Hills, will help communities across Kansas and the country get back on the road to recovery."

-Governor Mark Parkinson

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Gov. Parkinson announces major highway project funded by Recovery Act
Construction of K-61 in McPherson County expected to create thousands of jobs

First major Recovery Act road project starts

“Every major economic development project is tied to the quality of our roads. Whether it’s products being transported on our highways, or customers driving to an attraction, better roads make for a better economy. This project will create jobs in the short term while providing the infrastructure for long term economic growth.” – Governor Mark Parkinson

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Where Is Your Money Going?

(Numbers that follow are in millions of dollars.) Education - 584; Health Care - 507; Transportation - 378; Housing & Water - 108; Justice & Public Safety - 105; Energy - 96; Job Training & Relief - 58 Education Health Care Transportation Infrastructure Energy Job Training and Relief for Kansans Housing & Water Infrastructure Justice & Public Safety


Timeline - Milestones at a Glance
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