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CSCOR Supports Efforts to Improve Scientific Collaboration in the Greater Caribbean

Caribbean coast

Since 2001, CSCOR has played a pivitol role in the growth and development of the Association of the Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC). CSCOR co-sponsored the bi-annual meetings of the AMLC in 2001, 2003, 2005, and will again provide support for the upcoming meeting in summer 2007. In 2005, at the 32nd AMLC Conference, CSCOR received significant praise and recognition as it was honored for its “sustained support, to establish and nurture the AMLC.”

The AMLC, celebrating its 50th anniversary, is a confederation of more than 30 marine research, education, and resource management institutions endeavoring to encourage the production and exchange of research and resource management information, advance the cause of marine and environmental education in the region, and facilitate cooperation and mutual assistance among its membership. CSCOR continues to acknowledge the value of these efforts as it sponsors its fourth conference, additional details can be found below.

CSCOR Co-Sponsors 33rd AMLC Conference to Advance Scientific Understanding of the Greater Caribbean Region

The Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) is proud to be a co-sponsor of the 33rd Scientific Conference of the Association of the Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC)  to be held June 4-8, 2007 at the University of the Virgin Islands in St. Thomas. The biannual meeting is being hosted by the University of the Virgin Islands and will bring together international scientists, managers, professionals, and students whose interest is focused on issues relevant to the greater Caribbean region. The event, marking the 50th year since its founding as the Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean, offers participants the opportunity to discuss and present on issues centered on the following themes as they are relevant to the greater Caribbean region: connectivity, global and regional issues, resource management, and ecology. For more information, visit the event web site at: or

CSCOR Seeks Abstracts for Two Sessions at the 2007 AMLC Conference

The Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) plans to co-chair two topical sessions at the upcoming 33rd Scientific Conference of the Association of the Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) . The sessions will focus on: (1) the ecology and management of deep (~50m-100m) hermatypic, coral reef ecosystems, and (2) coral reef research that addresses management needs at the ecosystem level. Coral reef researchers engaged in ecosystem-level research are encouraged to submit abstracts, particularly those developing predictive tools and capabilities, or evaluating the effectiveness of management strategies. Please note, research does not have to be performed in the Caribbean, but must have applicability to the coral reef issues that affect the region. The abstract deadline is April 15, 2007. Detailed information on abstract submission, and the meeting in general, can be found on the AMLC's website at: For more information on the CSCOR sessions, please contact: (session 1: deep coral reefs) or (session 2: coral reef management).

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