Strategic Plan and Policies


Strategic Plan
The BART Strategic Plan (.pdf), adopted by the BART Board of Directors in October 2008, is built on a clear mission and vision of our role in the Bay Area with an emphasis on sustainability. The plan has three key goal areas: our customers, our people and our future. Each goal has implementing strategies as well as specific projects, programs and desired outcomes.

BART Policies offer guidance in important areas of long-term concern to the agency. Each policy has been adopted by the Board of Directors, and provides overall guidance for decision making on complex or controversial issues. A policy is designed to provide guidance in turbulent as well as sanguine times.

System Expansion (.pdf)
Access Management & Improvement (.pdf)
Station Area Planning (.pdf)
Welfare to Work to Career (.pdf)
Financial Stability (.pdf)
Sustainability (.pdf)
Transit Oriented Development (.pdf)