San Mateo / Santa Clara County


Learn more about specific plans and planning activity within San Mateo and Santa Clara counties: 


San Bruno

Daly City
Station Access Plan
Station Area Planning Process

San Francisco International Airport 


South San Francisco

Santa Clara / Silicon Valley BART Extension
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) has been conducting studies to extend BART from the proposed Warm Springs BART Station into Santa Clara County, a 16.3 mile extension. BART has been a partner on the Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Project (BART to Santa Clara County) study, and has supported and monitored VTA's efforts. Measure A, a sales tax measure sponsored by VTA, passed in November, 2000 and dedicated $2 billion toward this project. VTA is the lead agency and will work in cooperation with BART.

VTA is an independent special district responsible for bus and light rail operations, congestion management, specific highway improvement projects, and countywide transportation planning in Santa Clara County. VTA is both a transit provider, and a multi-modal transportation planning organization involved with transit, highways and roadways, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities. For more information, visit the VTA website.