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  National accounts 2005-2006  Labour force in Romania:employment and unemployment in the third quarter of 2008  Social and economic situation of Romania - statistical data

Statistical Yearbook of Romania 2008 edition reflects development in Romanian society

Every new edition of the Yearbook gives to the users of statistical data the satisfaction of having at their disposal, gathered into a quasi-comprehensive volume, pertinent information on the evolution of processes and phenomena that took place in the Romanian economy, in the  society as a whole, during a relatively long period. However, the Yearbook is not only a statistical paper limited to the presentation, in a structured and coherent manner, of historical data series, as a quantitative expression characterising this field, but also an illustrative compendium of the achievements till a certain moment in time. The information is closer and closer to the reference period, thus conferring it a practical usefulness, since the inquiry in the past, as documentary basis, becomes an opportunity of the present. In this sense, it is for the second time when the INS succeeds in publishing a Yearbook edition until the end of the year, including the presentation of figures related to the past year. By itself, this remark points out, in fact, a performance that not many statistical offices can be proud of.
The Yearbook is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing the publication in PDF format and all its tables in Excel format,  The book is in two languages: Romanian and English.  
For further information for purchasing please address to Romanian Statistical Review:
Tel:+4021/3181824 Extension: 1073, Fax:+4021/3171110, e-mail:

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Yearbook 2008         Regional Yearbook 2008


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 News releases
Euro area labour costs rose by 3.8%
Volume of retail trade up by 0.1% in euro area


Press releases

Mar 13, 2009  Indicii volumului cifrei de afaceri pentru comert si servicii
În luna ianuarie 2009, volumul cifrei de afaceri pentru comerţul cu amănuntul (cu excepţia comerţului cu autovehicule şi motociclete) a crescut faţă de luna precedentă cu 13,3%. Faţă de luna corespunzătoare a anului precedent, volumul cifrei de afaceri pentru comerţul cu amănuntul a scăzut cu 0,9 %.
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Mar 13, 2009  Resurse de energie
În perioada 1.I.-31.I.2009, resursele de energie primară au scăzut cu 22,9%, iar cele de energie electrică au scăzut faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului precedent cu 8,5%.
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Mar 12, 2009  International trade of goods in Romania
In January 2009, according to preliminary estimations of the National Institute of Statistics, FOB exports amounted to 8047.6 million lei (1912.4 million euro) and CIF imports amounted to 10442.3 million lei (2488.8 million euro).
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Mar 11, 2009  Consumer price index
Compared to January 2009, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 100.88% in February 2009.
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Mar 11, 2009  Indicii valorici ai cifrei de afaceri din industrie (ICA)
În luna ianuarie 2009, cifra de afaceri din industrie, în termeni nominali, pe total (piaţa internă şi piaţa externă) a scăzut atât faţă de luna precedentă cât şi faţă de luna corespunzătoare din anul precedent cu 17,6%, respectiv 17,9%.
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Mar 11, 2009  Indicii valorici ai comenzilor noi din industrie (IVCI)
În luna ianuarie 2009, comenzile noi din industrie, pe total (piaţa internă şi piaţa externă), au scăzut în termeni nominali atât faţă de luna precedentă cât şi faţă de luna corespunzătoare din anul anterior cu 14,5%, respectiv 34,5%.
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Mar 10, 2009  Indicele preturilor productiei industriale
În luna ianuarie 2009, preţurile producţiei industriale pe total (piaţa internă şi piaţa externă) au înregistrat o creştere cu 1,9% comparativ cu luna precedentă şi o creştere cu 7,0% faţă de luna corespunzătoare din anul 2008.
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Mar 10, 2009  Sacrificarile de animale si pasari si productia de carne
În luna ianuarie 2009, faţă de luna precedentă, numărul animalelor sacrificate şi greutatea lor în carcasă au scăzut la bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine şi păsări.
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Mar 9, 2009  Consumer prices for electric energy and natural gas
According to the Directive 377/90/EEC of June 29, 1990 regarding the improvement of the price transparency of electricity and natural gas and to the Commission Decision EC 2007/394 of June 7, 2007 amending the Directive EC 90/377 of the Council regarding the applicable methodology for the price collection of gas and electricity for the industrial final users implemented in the Romanian legislation through the Order of the President of the National Authority for Energy Regulation no.117/14.08.2008, ...
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Mar 9, 2009  Indicii trimestriali ai costului fortei de munca
În trimestrul IV 2008, ritmul de creştere al costului orar al forţei de muncă în formă ajustată (după numărul zilelor lucrătoare) a fost de 6,58% faţă de trimestrul precedent şi de 18,06% faţă de acelaşi trimestru al anului anterior.
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Mar 9, 2009  Laptele de vaca colectat si productia de produse lactate
În luna ianuarie 2009, cantitatea de lapte de vacă colectată de la exploataţii agricole şi centre de colectare de către unităţile procesatoare a scăzut faţă de luna precedentă cu 5,1 %, iar faţă de luna ianuarie 2008 cu 2,5 %.
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Mar 9, 2009  Monthly average earning
In January 2009, gross nominal average earning was 1839 lei, by 9.1% less than in the previous month.
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Mar 4, 2009  Constructii de locuinte
În trimestrul IV 2008 au fost terminate 27751 locuinţe, în creştere cu 8737 locuinţe, faţă de trimestrul IV 2007. În anul 2008 au fost terminate 64414 locuinţe, cu 17115 mai multe faţă de anul 2007.
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Mar 4, 2009  Gross domestic product
Gross Domestic Product estimated for the fourth quarter of 2008 was 159430.4 million lei current prices, increasing – in real terms – by 2.9% as agaisnt the fourth quarter of 2007.
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Mar 4, 2009  Investments in the national economy
In Quarter IV of 2008, investments in the national economy were 2.3% higher than in Quarter IV of 2007.In 2008, investments in the national economy were 17.1% higher than during 2007.
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Quality of National Statistical System
European Statistics Code of Practice
Peer Review - Final Report