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 Southern Lebanon bounces back

  Owls fight rats in Lao PDR

Haiti: seeds of a renaissance

The State of Agricultural Commodities Markets 2009

Southern Lebanon bounces back

Owls fight rats in Lao PDR
Feature story

Haiti: seeds of a renaissance
Photo gallery

State of Agricultural commodity markets

The path to the Summit

In October three important events will prepare the ground for the Summit:

The High-Level Expert Forum on How to Feed the World in 2050 will examine policy options that governments should consider adopting to ensure that the world population can be fed when it nears its peak of nearly 9.2 billion people in the middle of this century.

The Committee on World Food Security will meet to consider reforms that will enable it to play a much more effective role in the global governance of food security.

World Food Day focuses this year on how to ensure Food Security in times of crisis.