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Governing Board Member
City of Los Angeles Representative

Los Angeles Councilwoman Jan Perry, represents the communities of the Ninth District on the Los Angeles City Council, and effective January 1, 2008, became the AQMD Governing Board representative for the City of Los Angeles, as called for under SB 886 (Negrete-McLeod).  Councilwoman Perry was previously re-elected in January 2006 to serve a second term as an AQMD Board Member, representing the 25 cities of the then L.A. County Western Region, and selected by mayors and Council members of those cities.  Perry serves on the Board's Legislative and Mobile Source C Committees, as well as its Marine Port and Refinery subcommittees.

As the current chair of the Los Angeles City Energy and Environment Committee, Perry has consistently demonstrated her commitment to better air quality for her constituents and has vigorously pursued environmental justice for all residents.  Additionally, Perry has initiated and participated in numerous activities and events to promote clean air throughout the region, personally meeting with elected officials, community members, and stakeholders.

Councilwoman Perry has worked closely with AQMD staff and constituents to see that the primary goals of AQMD are met in a manner sensitive to local needs.  She has supported significant funding commitments to replace and retrofit diesel school buses and research into possible links between air pollution and cancer.  She also was an advocate for the expansion of AQMD's environmental justice initiatives to enhance community involvement and access to the agency.  She has also worked with AQMD to reduce emissions from oil and gas production facilities through improved maintenance requirements and a prohibition on the venting of oil field gas.

Councilwoman Perry currently serves on the Legislative and Mobile Source Board Committees; and subcommittees for refinery issues, paints and coatings, and the SCAG Ad Hoc Committee.  She was also recently appointed by AQMD's Chairman, Dr. Bill Burke, to the Air Quality Institute Advisory Board.  This Board is being formed for educational outreach purposes and consists of distinguished elected officials, business, community leaders, and representatives from organized labor.  The Advisory Board will review course curriculum, list of participants and instructors, and provide policy guidance to staff and contractors, as needed.