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Smoking Cessation


Smoking is the most preventable cause of disease and death in the U.S. People who continue to smoke after the age of 65 have a higher overall risk of disease and death than those who quit. Smoking contributes to and can exacerbate heart disease, cancer, stroke, lung disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, macular degeneration, and cataracts. It can also interfere with the effectiveness of medications that many older adults take, including insulin.

In March 2005, CMS determined that there was sufficient evidence to support Medicare coverage for smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling for beneficiaries who have smoking-related illnesses, or who are taking medications that are affected by tobacco use. Medicare's prescription drug benefit will also cover smoking cessation treatments prescribed by a physician beginning in January 2006.

This section provides information regarding Medicare's smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling benefit, resources to support providers in the delivery of counseling, and organizations promoting cessation to older adults.

General Facts:

  • An estimated 9.3% of people ages 65 and older smoke cigarettes.
  • Approximately 440,000 people die annually from smoking related diseases, and 300,000 of those deaths occur in people ages 65 and older.
  • One study estimated that Medicare spends about 10% of its total annual budget on treating smoking-related illnesses--approximately $24 billion in 2001.
  • There are significant benefits to quitting smoking, even after 30 or more years of smoking. Lung function and circulation begin to improve soon after quitting. Smokers who quit have cardiovascular mortality rates similar to those of non-smokers, and this benefit is unrelated to age or the time elapsed since quitting. In one study, older smokers who already had coronary artery disease improved their survival and risk of heart attack by quitting.
  • Older adults who smoke have been shown to be more successful at quitting than younger smokers.

What Medicare covers:

Medicare covers 2 types of counseling:

  • Intermediate cessation counseling is 3 to 10 minutes per session; and
  • Intensive cessation counseling is greater than 10 minutes per session.

Medicare will cover 2 quit attempts per year. Each quit attempt may include a maximum of 4 intermediate or intensive counseling sessions, with the total annual benefit covering up to 8 sessions in a 12-month period. The health care provider and patient have the flexibility to choose between intermediate and intensive counseling.

To be eligible to receive this benefit, a beneficiary must have a condition that is adversely affected by smoking or tobacco use, or that the metabolism or dosing of a medication that is being used to treat a condition the beneficiary has is being adversely affected by his or her smoking or tobacco use.

In addition, Medicare Part D will also cover smoking cessation treatments prescribed by a physician beginning in January 2006. However, over-the-counter treatments, such as nicotine patches or gum, will not be covered.

Other helpful information:

In addition to Medicare's smoking cessation counseling benefit, the Department of Health and Human Services launced a national telephone counseling quitline for all smokers in the U.S. The toll free number 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669, TTY 1-800-332-8615) is a single access point to the National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines. Callers are routed to a state-run quitline for assistance. If there is no state-run quitline, they are routed to the National Cancer Institute's quitline. 


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Related Links Inside CMS

Prevention - General Information
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy

AHRQ's Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Pathfinder--Resources for Clinicians and Consumers

CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Service

NCI's Tobacco and Cancer Information Resources

American Lung Association--Tobacco Control

Smokefree.gov website sponsored by NCI, CDC, and the American Cancer Society

Page Last Modified: 05/26/2009 9:16:06 AM
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