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ESRD - General Information


The Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program is a national health insurance program for people with ESRD. The program is designed to encourage self-care dialysis and kidney transplantation and clarify reimbursement procedures to achieve effective cost control.


The 2006 ESRD CPM Annual Report is now available. Please check the announcement in the
Downloads section below.

Announcement -- 2006 ESRD CPM Annual Report [PDF 15 KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
End Stage Renal Disease Quality Initiative

End Stage Renal Disease Center Page

End Stage Renal Disease Demonstrations

End Stage Renal Disease Open Door Forums

Clinical Performance Measures (CPM) Project
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
There are no Related Links Outside CMS.


Page Last Modified: 07/14/2009 9:37:26 AM
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