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image of a  square resembling a bullet August is Child Support Month

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For 35 years, Virginia's Child Support Enforcement Program has collected billions of dollars and served hundreds of thousands of children and families.

In recognition of its continuous service to families, the Governor annually recognizes Virginia's Child Support Enforcement Program by designating August as Child Support Enforcement Month in Virginia (Governor Kaine's proclamation). The Gubernatorial proclamation celebrates the Commonwealth's dedicated child support professionals who work tirelessly to enrich the lives of children through the collection of financial support. It takes perseverance, dedication, and commitment to achieve successful outcomes for children and these professionals display these attributes in abundance.

In Federal Fiscal Year 2009, $647 million was collected on behalf of children through an array of innovative approaches and such as the Intensive Case Monitoring Program. This program assists noncustodial parents who face incarceration due to non-payment of child support by helping them secure employment, housing, education, and other services to increase child support and relieve prison overcrowding.

Fostering the philosophy that it takes both parents to support their children, Virginia's Child Support Enforcement Program applauds those parents who choose to step up to the plate and prepare them for brighter futures.

image of a  square resembling a bullet Parents & Guardians

If you are a noncustodial parent, you must make your child support payments through DCSE if you have been ordered to do so. You will not receive credit for child support payments made directly to the custodial parent after you have been ordered to pay through DCSE, unless a court directs otherwise. Beginning July 1, 2008, quarterly statements of account will be mailed to noncustodial parents.

If you are a custodial parent, do not accept direct payments for child support from the noncustodial parent after the noncustodial parent has been ordered to pay child support through DCSE. If you receive a payment directly, do not spend or cash the payment. Send the payment to DCSE.

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image of a  square resembling a bullet Contact Child Support Enforcement

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