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Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
Permits, Notifications, Registrations, and Certifications

Hazardous Waste


Solid Waste

Forms and Applications

The following provides narrative descriptions of the permitting, licensing, notification, registration and certification processes related to the management and disposal of solid waste, hazardous waste, radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines.  This guidance is not meant to modify or replace State statutes or regulations, which undergo periodic revisions.  


Hazardous Waste

Corrective Action Plan 
Owners and operators of sites where hazardous waste has been released into the environment may submit a corrective action plan for approval in order to pro-actively respond to the release without the need for a permit or enforcement action by the Department.
Emergency Permit
In instances where there is an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment because a substance is too dangerous to move or is shock sensitive, a temporary emergency permit may be issued to allow the treatment, storage or disposal of the waste.
Generator EPA Identification Number
An EPA Identification Number is not a permit.  It is a number used by the Department and EPA to identify a facility for hazardous waste management purposes.
Generator Treatment Permit by Rule
Generators may be able to treat their own hazardous wastes on site in order to reduce the volume or toxicity of the waste, or to increase the ability to recycle or reclaim the waste.
Hazardous Materials Transportation Permit
The Colorado Public Utilities Commission issues annual hazardous materials transportation permits to transporters hauling hazardous materials that require placarding under 49 CFR 172 or 173.  Hazardous waste is a subset of hazardous materials.  Most transporters hauling hazardous waste must also obtain an EPA Identification Number.
Land Treatment Demonstration Permit
Anyone wanting to treat or dispose of hazardous waste in a land treatment unit must obtain a short-term permit to conduct field tests to show that the waste will be completely degraded, transformed or immobilized. 
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) Permit by Rule   This permit by rule process allows a municipal sewage and industrial wastewater treatment facility (Publicly Owned Treatment Works or POTW) to accept certain hazardous wastes for treatment if the facility is permitted under the Clean Water Act to accept such wastes for treatment.
Research, Development and Demonstration Permit
Anyone wanting to try an innovative or experimental hazardous waste treatment technology or process for which permit standards don't already exist may apply for a temporary permit.
Remedial Action Plan
The owner or operator of a facility that generates hazardous remediation wastes may request approval for a Remedial Action Plan that authorizes the facility to treat, store or dispose of the waste at the remediation waste management site.
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities Permit

Anyone wanting to operate a facility for the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste must obtain a permit.
Underground Injection Control Well Permit by Rule
The owner or operator of an underground injection well may utilize this rule if they have, and are in compliance with, an underground injection control permit issued under the federal Clean Water Act or Colorado’s Safe Drinking Water Act that allows the disposal of hazardous wastes.
Notification of Regulated Waste Activity
Certain facilities that generate hazardous waste must notify the Department of their regulated hazardous waste activities. Persons who own or operate a facility for the treatment, storage, or disposal of regulated hazardous waste, handle used oil (not just generate), transport hazardous wastes or manage large quantities of universal waste must also notify of these activities. Persons that import hazardous waste from a foreign country, generate mixed hazardous and radioactive waste, burn hazardous waste in a boiler or industrial furnace, recycle hazardous waste and/or if there is an underground injection well located at their facility must notify the Department.  

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Land Disposal of Low Level Radioactive Waste License
Anyone wanting to receive, possess or dispose of low level radioactive wastes at a land disposal facility must be licensed.
Projects that Impact Radiological Qualities of the Environment
Major projects that impact, or may impact, the radiological quality of the human environment require a specific license be issued.
Radioactive Materials License
Anyone wanting to use or possess non-exempt radioactive materials must apply for a radioactive materials license.
Provisional Mammographers Registration/Certification Any person who is not registered in mammography by the American Registration of Radiologic Technology (ARRT) needs to register with the Department for a provisional certificate.
Qualified Inspector Registration/Certification
Qualified applicants may become authorized to perform inspections of radiation-producing machines in Colorado (except in federal facilities).
Servicing and Services of Radiation Machines Registration Individuals that wish to provide radiation protection services, including providing environmental radiation measurement, shielding calibration and the installation, servicing and calibration of radiation-producing machines and components, must register with the Department.
X-ray Machine Registration Anyone who operates a facility that has one or more radiation-producing machines installed and/or located within a building or vehicle is required to register with the Department.
Provisional Mammographers Registration/Certification
Any person who is not registered in mammography by the American Registration of Radiologic Technology (ARRT) needs to register with the Department for a provisional certificate.
Qualified Inspector Registration/Certification Qualified applicants may become authorized to perform inspections of radiation-producing machines in Colorado (except in federal facilities).

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Solid Waste

Certificate of Designation   Persons operating a facility for solid waste disposal where processing, treatment or final disposal is performed must obtain a certificate of designation.
Certificate of Designation - Composting Facility

Persons operating a facility where composting, incorporating into compost or utilizing a composting process for organic solid wastes must obtain a certificate of designation.
Certificate of Designation - Scrap Tire Facility

Persons operating a facility for the purpose of processing or disposal of scrap tires that are not regulated under the recycling requirements of Section 8 of the Colorado Regulations Pertaining to Solid Waste Sites and Facilities (6 CCR 1007-2) must obtain a certificate of designation.
24 Hour Notification of Unplanned Asbestos in Soil Discovery

The owner/operator of property at which soil-disturbing activities are occurring must notify the Department within 24 hours of discovery of visible material containing asbestos in the soils or asbestos-contaminated soil.  Although the underlying requirements are contained in Solid Waste statutes and regulations, project oversight can be conducted by Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Brownfields or Voluntary Cleanup staff.
10 Day Notification of Planned Asbestos in Soil Management
The owner/operator of property at which soil-disturbing activities are planned in an area that is known to have, or has the potential to have, material suspected of containing asbestos must notify the Department at least 10 working days prior to any soil-disturbing activity.  Although the underlying requirements are contained in Solid Waste statutes and regulations, project oversight can be conducted by Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Brownfields or Voluntary Cleanup staff.
Recycling Facility Registration
Persons that operate solid waste recycling facilities must register with the Department and submit an annual report summarizing their activities.
Tire Hauler Registration

Persons involved in the commercial transportation of waste motor vehicle tires for storage and/or disposal purposes in Colorado must register with the Department.

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