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Environmental Justice
Workplan for 2003-04

On September 3, 2003, the Board approved the Environmental Justice 2003-04 Workplan.  The ten initiatives build upon the AQMD's experience and the needs of the community.  They serve as the basis for continued outreach and problem-solving activities concerning future environmental justice issues.

The following is a brief description of the proposed initiatives for 2003-04:

Category I:      Further-Reduced Health Risks

  I-1      Enhanced outreach to local governments to incorporate an
            Air Quality Element into General Plans

I-2      Review the Current Inventory of Toxic Air Pollution Emissions

I-3      Review and Update the District’s Air Toxics Control Plan

I-4      Cumulative Impacts Reduction Strategies

I-5      MATES III

Category II:      Greater Community Access & Involvement

  II-1      Website Redesign

II-2      Prepare an annual summary of AQMD’s EJ program efforts and
          proposed enhancements for the following 12 months

II-3      Continue “Neighborhood Environmental Justice Council” program
          to harness the power of neighborhood cooperation

  II-4      Hearing Board Outreach

  II-5      Further Review of Public Records Policies

Summary of the Environmental Justice 2003-2004 Workplan

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