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Funding Incentives / Opportunities


Current Funding Opportunities

Voucher Incentive Program

Carl Moyer Heavy-Duty Truck Fleet Modernization Program
(Funding available on a first-come, first-served basis)

Particulate Matter Traps on School Diesel Backup Generators
(Available until all funding is exhausted)


Information on Funding Programs

(Note: not all programs listed have funds currently available)

AB 2766 Subvention Funds (Funding for local governments only)
Funds from the registration of every motor vehicle registered or renewed each year in California are distributed directly to the cities in AQMD's jurisdiction for mobile source emission reduction programs.
More Information
Contact: Carol Gomez, (909) 396-3264
          or Kathryn Higgins, (909) 396-3309

Air Quality Investment Program (AQIP)
Funds alternative mobile source emission/trip reduction strategies, including procurement of low emission, alternative fuel or zero emission vehicles; old vehicle scrapping, telecommuting centers; re-power of marine vessels, creation and improvement of localized demand responsive mobility enhancing services.
More Information
Contact: Shashi Singeetham, (909) 396-3298
          or Fred Minassian, (909) 396-2641

Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
The Carl Moyer Program provides monetary grants to help businesses and public agencies clean up their heavy-duty diesel engines more than required by air pollution regulations.  The grants cover some or all of the cost difference between purchasing a newer cleaner engine/vehicle, and rebuilding the existing engine. 
More Information

Contact: Connie Day, (909) 396-3055

CNG Home Refueling Appliance (PHILL) Buy-Down Program
The objective of the buy-down incentive program is to reduce air pollution in the Basin by encouraging the expansion and use of alternative fuel vehicles by the general consumer, specifically with financial buy-downs to make it less expensive to purchase a compressed natural gas (CNG) home refueling appliance, known as Phill.
More Information
Contact: Phil Barroca, (909) 396-2409
Dry Cleaners Grant Program
The AQMD’s dry cleaning rule (Rule 1421) includes deadlines that will gradually phase-out the use of perchloroethylene (perc) in this region. Funds are available to professional cleaners to switch from perc machines to equipment that does not use toxic chemicals, such as professional wet cleaning systems and CO2 machines.
More Information
Contact: Greg Ushijima, (909) 396-3301
Healthy Hearths Initiative
Southland residents can get a discount at select dealers on the purchase and installation of a gas-log set for their fireplace.  Residents of AQMD's four-county jurisdiction are eligible for the incentive.  The program aims to reduce harmful pollution from residential wood burning.
More Information
Contact:  Mike Laybourn, (909) 396-3066

Incentives for Voluntary Introduction of New Technologies
AQMD offers a number of funding/grant resources to encourage the immediate use of commercially available, low-emission mobile and stationary technologies.  The incentive programs, which include incremental funding or subsidies, are designed to promote voluntary introduction of new technologies on an accelerated schedule.  This also provides manufacturers with justification to gear up for mass production of the cleaner technologies.  Programs include:

More Information
Contact: Lourdes Cordova Martinez, (909) 396-3214

Lawn Mower and Leaf Blower Exchanges
Te encourage homeowners and gardeners and/or landscapers to exchange their old, operable gas-powered lawn care equipment, for the past several years the AQMD Board has approved buy down programs under which local residents could exchange their equipment for new, low-emissions models at a much lower price than suggested retail rates.

Sign-up to be Notified of the next Lawn Mower Exchange
Sign-up to be Notified of the next Leaf Blower Exchange (for professional gardeners and/or landscapers only)
Contact: Lourdes Cordova Martinez, (909) 396-3214

Proposition 1B: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program
This program provides financial incentives to replace, repower or retrofit on-road and off-road equipment engaged in goods movement activities to cleaner technologies. Projects funded under this program must achieve emission reductions in excess of requirements under local, state or federal regulations.
More Information
Contact: Brian Choe, (909) 396-2617
Old Vehicle Scrapping Program
This is a voluntary program developed to encourage vehicle owners to retire older, higher-emitting vehicles in order to reduce the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (PM) in the air we breathe. Under the program, older, polluting cars are removed from roadways, that would otherwise be driven in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) for 3 or more years if they were not scrapped.
More Information
Contact: Heather Farr, (909) 396-3672
Voucher Incentive Program
The Carl Moyer Program provides incentive funds to help pay for the incremental cost of purchasing cleaner than required engines, vehicles and/or equipment. The On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Voucher Incentive Program (VIP) allows truck dealers to provide a discount to owners/operators to offset the purchase cost of a newer, low-emitting truck. The VIP is intended to result in the accelerated turnover of older high-polluting heavy-duty vehicles with newer, low-emission vehicles providing real emission reductions above those that would otherwise occur through normal attrition. 
More Information
Contact: Ashkaan Nikravan, (909) 396-3260

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