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Pine Shoot Beetle



The pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda L.) is an introduced pest of pines. It was first discovered in the US at a Christmas tree farm near Cleveland, Ohio, in July 1992. A native of Europe, the beetle attacks new shoots of pine trees, stunting the growth of the trees. The pine shoot beetle may also attack stressed pine trees by breeding under the bark at the base of the trees. The beetles can cause severe decline in the health of the trees, and in some cases, kill the trees when high populations exist. The goal of APHIS-PPQ is to define the extent of the pine shoot beetle infestation and limit its artificial spread beyond the infested area through quarantine and an active regulatory program. In addition, PPQ wants to reduce the economic impact on specific plant industries within the infested area through pest management and improved regulatory protocols for movement of articles at risk.

Status: Following the first detection in the US in 1992 in Ohio, the beetle has been detected in parts of 12 States (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, and West Virginia). Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) is the principle host, but other pine species are susceptible. Maturation feeding in pine shoots is the primary cause of damage to pines which results in reduced radial and height growth.

Pest Risk Assessment



News and Information





Weyman Fussell
Program Manager
E-mail: Weyman.Fussell@aphis.usda.gov

Last Modified: May 11, 2009