Office of the Chief Information Officer &
High Performance Computing and Communications

Peer Review Plans

Title and Description:
Status Review of the Bearded, Ringed, and Spotted Seals
Status Review of the Bearded, Ringed, and Spotted Seals

ID:  130 Info. Type:  ISI
Estimated Dissemination Date:  5/31/2009
Contact Person: Rebecca Rootes  NOAA Locator

Date First Posted in Peer Review Agenda:  12/15/2008

Estimated Peer Review Start Date:  5/31/2009
Review type:  individual letters
Expected number of peer reviewers:  3 or fewer
Peer reviewers will be selected by:  the agency

Will the public, including scientific or professional societies, be asked to nominate potential peer reviewers?  no

Will there be opportunities for the public to comment on the work product to be peer reviewed?  yes

How?  Document will be distributed via the Federal Register.

When?  May 2009

Will the agency provide significant and relevant public comments to the peer reviewers before they conduct their review?  no

Primary disciplines or expertise needed in the review:
Marine mammal biologists

Comments on Peer Review:
The final peer review report, when it is available, will be posted at