EIA: Electronic Industries Alliance

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ECA/EIA Standards & Technology


Revised Joint Industry Guide (JIG-101) Published


Telecommunications Industry Association
Grant Seiffert, President

TIA represents providers of communications and information technology products and services for the global marketplace through its core competencies in standards development, domestic and international advocacy, market development and trade promotion programs. The association makes possible the convergence of new communications networks while working for a competitive and innovative market environment. TIA strives to further its 700 members' business opportunities and to promote economic growth and the betterment of humanity through improved communications.

Electronic Components Association
Robert Willis, President

ECA is the global supply chain sector representing manufacturers and suppliers of passive and electro-mechanical electronic components, connectors, wire and cable, component arrays and assemblies, and materials and support services

John J. Kelly, President

JEDEC is the leading developer of standards for the semiconductor industry. Almost 2000 representatives appointed by some 250 JEDEC member companies work together in nearly 50 technical committees to develop standards and publications. JEDEC promotes the universal acceptance of these publications and standards, which are intended to meet the needs of every segment of the industry and its customers. JEDEC offers its standards free to the world.

National Science and Technology Education Partnership
Pete McCloskey, CEO

The Electronic Industries Foundation has phased in a new name for the organization: the National Science and Technology Education Partnership (NSTEP). The new name more accurately reflects the foundation's mission and more effectively position the organization among educators, corporations, public policy makers and others concerned about science and technology. NSTEP offers programs for young people that develop critical math, science and technology skills while building awareness of electronics and high-tech careers. NSTEP brings the excitement and innovation of the electronics industry into the classroom to expand young minds and inspire the next generation of technology leadership. NSTEP is the philanthropic partner of the Electronic Industries Alliance.

Internet Security Alliance
Larry Clinton, President

The Internet Security Alliance (ISAlliance) was created to provide a forum for information sharing and thought leadership on information security issues. The ISAlliance represents corporate security interests before legislators and regulators, in so doing the alliance aims to identify and standardize best practices in Internet security and network survivability, while creating a collaborative environment to develop and implement information security solutions.



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