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Caregiver Information

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Caregiver Support Resources - What Are You Looking For?

Spotlight on Caring

Aging with Dignity Logo

Aging with Dignity is a private, national non-profit organization that helps people receive the quality and dignified care they want in case of a serious illness. It provides the Five Wishes advance directive, a legal document available in 23 languages that is useful for all adults in planning before a health crisis. Five Wishes and related resources make it easier for people to communicate their health care preferences to their caregivers, loved ones, and health care providers. It brings peace of mind to families and helps patients get the care they want and deserve.

HBO The Alzheimer’s Project.

HBO Logo

In May 2009, HBO premiered The Alzheimer’s Project, a groundbreaking four part documentary series about Alzheimer’s disease, presented in association with the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association. The series takes a close look at the pioneering discoveries made by the country’s leading scientists, as well as the effects of this debilitating and fatal disease both on those with Alzheimer’s and on their families.

Caregiver Stories

A sister's story: Finding help through 1-800-227-2345"

Photo: Moy Sisters

When Patti Moy first walked around a Relay track, the Indiana resident was exposed to signs about the many services the American Cancer Society offers.

"I was amazed with how many things [ACS] does," said Patti. These signs did more than tell Patti about what ACS does in the fight against cancer...they also helped her learn the toll-free number for reliable cancer information: 1-800-227-2345.

Knowing about the number meant Patti had a resource to turn to when her sister Marilyn, who had been battling brain cancer since 1996, had to have surgery in North Carolina. »Read Cancer Caregiver Story


Caregiver Topic Highlights

Highlight Benefits of Hospice

Photo:Topic Highlights

Hospice care is a program that provides care and support for the terminally ill. Click here to find out where to find more information about the prgram.

Caregiver Videos

Caregiver Video Archives

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Questions & Answers for Caregivers Still have questions?

Sandra Day O'Connor
Associate Supreme Court Justice (Ret.)

Sandra Day O'Connor "Most people never expect that one day they will have to assume the role of a caregiver. Whether it is taking care of a spouse, parent, child, or neighbor, the role of a family caregiver can be very demanding, both physically and emotionally. I applaud the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for highlighting the issue of caregiving and providing a resource that may help with the tough challenges family caregivers face."

Have your loved one get a free flu shot today! Encourage your loved one to get these free shots once a year during flu season. For more information, view Your Guide to Medicare's Preventive Services

Page Last Updated: July 15, 2009


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