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Gas Technology Institute study calls for increased use of natural gas for space heating and water heating to displace electric resistance heating and water heating. Such displacement will reduce electricity demand, the need for new electric power generation plants or transmission lines, and reduce total carbon output compared to emissions associated with such generation.
CAP & EFC conclude natural gas to be abundant, the cleanest fossil fuel and the best possible bridge fuel to a 21st-century energy economy reliant on efficiency, renewable sources, and low-carbon fossil fuels such as natural gas.
National Academy of Sciences recommends DOE move to full-fuel-cycle measure of energy consumption for assessment of national and environmental impacts.

The American Public Gas Association (APGA) is The Voice and Choice of Public Gas in Washington, D.C.  APGA is the not-for-profit nationwide association for publicly- and community-owned gas utilities and represents over 700 members in 36 states.  We advocate on issues that impact our members and the communities they serve. We also work across the nation to educate our members on best safety practices, legislative issues, effective business and operational strategies, and host conferences promoting the benefits of natural gas as a responsible and efficient energy source.

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The PGPF is an APGA program created to provide new gas system managers and other senior managers a unique opportunity to discuss and debate the critical issues that impact the operation of a public gas utility.
When:   October 13-14, 2009
Where: Sheraton Read House Hotel,
Chattanooga, TN

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Register for the Fall APGA Strategic Planning and Board of Directors Meetings! You can also register for the Gas Utility Management Conference that will take place on November 3 & 4.
When:   November 1-3, 2009
Where: The Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC

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  Register for the Gas Utility Management Conference. This year's program features session on rate design, DIMP, legislative updates, and much more!
When:   November 3 & 4, 2009
Where: The Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC