Photo courtesy of Ferschke family

A private bill would help Hotaru Nakama Ferschke get out of an immigration catch 22.

Handling immigration one at a time

The widow of a U.S. Marine killed in Iraq is not eligible for citizenship because of an old law, so Congress is looking at a bill to help just her.

Highlights of climate change talk

Overhauling student loans

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Will Congress opt for the public option?

House Democratic leaders are pushing to confirm that they have enough votes to pass a 'strong' public option.

10:04 am October 22, 2009

Letter to Obama causes a stir

The first non-black winner of a college pageant wrote that she was treated poorly because she is white.

09:51 am October 21, 2009

Interior Dept. back online — with a flourish

Several years after a judge ordered the agency to get off the Web, it's back -- and on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

04:38 pm October 20, 2009

Crack disparity may not be ended

President Obama pledged to end the disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentencing, but it may only be reduced.

12:30 pm October 20, 2009

Climate Change Conference 2009

Sens. Ben Cardin, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and George Voinovich shared their thoughts on climate change at a conference Tuesday.

03:47 pm October 19, 2009

Will D.C. voting rights be tied to Defense?

House Democrats hope that attaching a voting rights measure to a Defense bill would make it hard to vote against.

10:19 am October 19, 2009

Social Security payments won't increase

The government said it won't give a cost-of-living increase because prices have gone down in the recession.

03:34 pm October 16, 2009

An insider's guide to Capitol tours

The Capitol building is basically a giant office, so you'll see the federal government at work during your visit — for better or worse — and maybe spot a senator or two.

02:37 pm October 16, 2009

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Cheney Gave The OK For 9/11 Attacks-Bring Him To Justice

October 22, 2009

What American's Can Expect

October 22, 2009

Medicare should be in a Trust Fund

October 22, 2009

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Tobacco Tax

To: Governor M. Jodi Rell

October 22, 2009

If FOX news is not "real" news, then Obama is not "REAL" President.

To: President Barack Obama

October 22, 2009

health care

To: Sen. Neal Kedzie, Rep. Steve Nass

October 22, 2009


To: Sen. John McCain

October 22, 2009

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New National Policy Proposal for the Ocean and Great Lakes Ignores Recreational Fishing


October 19, 2009

Act Now! Congress is Debating Massive Health Care Reform

by National Community Pharmacists Association

October 16, 2009

STOP Medicare-TRICARE Cuts

by Naval Reserve Association

October 16, 2009

Drastic Times, Drastic Measures

by Progressive Democrats of America

October 18, 2009

Can your state afford to gamble on legalizing marijuana?

by Save Our Society

October 16, 2009

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