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Administration on Developmental Disabilitiesskip to primary page content

Program Instructions ADD PI-90-2

Issued 11/8/90


Directors, State Protection and Advocacy Systems


Access by the Department or other Authorized Federal Officials to client Records or Other Records of the Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&AS)


Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act,
as amended, 42 USC 6000, et. seq.

45 CFR Part 1386 amended November 20, 1989 (54 FR 47982)

45 CFR Parts 74.24 (nongovernments) and 92.42(e) (governments)

This instruction provides guidance to States on the requirements for the P&As to allow authorized representatives of the Department of Health and Human Services or other authorized Federal officials access to client records or other records of the P&AS. Section 104 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (the Act) requires that each recipient of assistance under this title (which includes the P&As), shall keep such records as the Secretary shall prescribe. It further requires that duly authorized representatives of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Comptroller General of the United States shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, and the records of the recipients of assistance under this title that are pertinent to such assistance. The final rule, Part 1386, Section 1386.21(b)(1) prescribes: The client's record is the property of the P&As which must protect it from loss, damage, tampering, or use by unauthorized individuals. The P&As must: (1) keep confidential all information contained in a client's records including information contained in an automated data bank; this requirement in no way limits or restricts access by the Department or other authorized Federal officials to the client's records or other records of the protection and advocacy system for purposes of carrying out the responsibilities of their offices. It also does not limit access by parents or legal guardians of minors unless prohibited by State law, court order or the rules of attorney-client privilege.

States and P&A grantees are advised that in order to be in compliance with the Act, P&A client records and other program records must be made available to authorized Federal representatives who are performing the monitoring responsibilities of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. These responsibilities include conducting Program Administrative Reviews (PARs). While performing PARS, Federal officials are subject to the same requirements as the P&As regarding the protection of client's records from loss, damage, tampering, use by unauthorized individuals and confidentiality of information contained in these records.


Deborth L. McFadden
Commissioner Administration on Developmental Disabilities

EFFECTIVE DATE: Date of Issuance

INQUIRIES TO: Regional Administrators, HDS
