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Regional Economic Accounts: About Regional

Programmatic Impacts of BEA’s FY2008 Appropriations on the Regional Economic Accounts Directorate | April 2008 (PDF • 54 KB)  

Overview of the Regional Program

The regional economic accounts tell us about the geographic distribution of U.S. economic activity and growth. The estimates of gross domestic product by state and state and local area personal income, and the accompanying detail, provide a consistent framework for analyzing and comparing individual state and local area economies.

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Uses of the Regional Program Estimates

  • The Federal government uses regional income and product estimates to distribute $227 billion to states.
      BEA Regional Income and Product Account Estimates Used to Distribute Federal Funds in FY2008
    • Pie chart | April 2009 (PDF • 133 KB)
    • Table | April 2009 (PDF • 27 KB)
  • Twenty states have set constitutional or statutory limits on state government revenues or spending (PDF • 53 KB) that are tied to BEA state personal income or one of its components.
  • Academic researchers use the estimates for applied economic research.
  • Businesses, trade associations, and labor organizations use the estimates for market research.

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BEA participates in conferences and workshops nationwide to help users better understand and use its products and services.

  • BEA Regional Program Outreach in 2009 (PDF • 41 KB)
  • In 2007 BEA participated in day-long workshops in partnership with Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Analysis Project (PNREAP), the University of Nevada-Reno Center for Economic Development, the University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research, and Western Washington University Center for Economic and Business Research. Agendas for three of the meetings are available:
  • In September 2006 a day-long conference was held by ACCRA and BEA, in partnership with the State of Texas Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism and the Greater Dallas Chamber— Understanding Regional Economic Data for Policy and Planning.

BEA User Group Program

The regional program maintains a partnership with a group of users named the BEA User Group. The members of this group include State agencies, universities, and Census Primary State Data Centers. The BEA User Group disseminates regional data and gives feedback on our estimates and the presentation of the estimates. Distribution in this way encourages State universities and State agencies to use data that are comparable for all States and counties and consistent with national totals, thus enhancing the uniformity of analytic approaches taken in economic development programs and improving the recipients' ability to assess local area economic developments and to service their local clientele.

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Last updated: Monday, June 01, 2009