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Issued 12/8/03
Clarification on Reporting by Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems in
the Program Performance Report (PPR) in Section III and Section VI.

Executive Directors of Protection and Advocacy Systems
Regional Office ADD Liaisons


Clarification on Reporting by Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems in the Program Performance Report (PPR) in Section III and Section VI.


The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 15001, et seq.) P.L. 106-402 Final Rule, 45 CFR Part 1386


Two sections of the Program Performance Report (PPR) for Protection and Advocacy (P&A) systems proved problematic during last year’s reporting cycle, the first year in which the current format was used. The two problematic sections are Section III and Section IV.

PPR, Section III:   In this section there has been some confusion regarding what is included in each of the subsections. This section is limited to closed cases only.

Subsections C and D look at the individuals whose cases are closed, with Subsection C breaking them out by reasons why the cases were closed, and with Subsection D breaking them out by highest level of intervention. Consequently, Subsection C and Subsection D sum to the same total.

Subsection B on the other hand, rather than looking at individuals whose cases are closed, looks at case problem areas of closed cases. Since one case may involve more than one case problem, please note that Subsection B will probably sum to a larger total than Subsection C and D.

Subsection A., on the other hand, includes only individuals whose cases were closed due to the issues in the case being successfully resolved. The sum of the two items in Subsection A will equal Item #1 of Subsection C (i.e., “Issues resolved partially or completely in the individual’s favor.”) Item #1 in Subsection A (client lives in an institution), would include case problems where the living arrangement of the client is, for example:

  • Nursing Home
  • Public Institutional Living Arrangement
  • Private Institutional Living Arrangement
  • Legal Detention/Jail/Prison/Detention Center
  • Federal Facility
All other living arrangements are to be regarded as “living in the community.”

PPR, Section VI:   This section last year created a great deal of confusion. In this section, the major outcomes that are related to the Statement of Goals and Priorities (SGP) for the P&A system are to be reported. Within the SGP, the P&A system reports Priorities, and for each Priority it provides Indicators of Success. Within Section VI of the PPR, there are ten items to be reported for each Priority listed in the SGP. One of those items (Item #2) is to be repeated as many times as there are Indicators for that Priority. All the other questions are not to be repeated at all for that Priority but reported only once.

Unfortunately, due to software issues, last year’s problem has not been corrected. The problem is that all ten of the Items in Section VI are repeated for each Indicator instead of once for each Priority.

To work around this issue, simply report Items #1 and #3 - #10 once for each priority in Indicator #1, and leave them blank for all other Indicators. Of course, please report Item #2 for every Indicator for every Priority in the SGP.


Jocelin Gridley
Division of Program Operations
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Mail Stop HHH, 300F
370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW., Aerospace Building
Washington, D.C. 20447
Telephone: (202) 690-8776