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Permitting Fees

AQMD Regulation III details specific fees and how they are applied. This regulation can be downloaded from the following link: Rules & Regulations.  It can also be ordered by calling AQMD's Public Information Center at (909) 396-3600.

Most forms are in pdf format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent.  Adobe Acrobat Reader is a FREE program.

Permit processing fee  (Return to Top)

When you apply for a permit, you must pay a permit processing fee. The fee must accompany the application in order for the application to be processed. Permit processing fees are established by AQMD’s Governing Board, based on the size and complexity of the equipment to be permitted and, in some instances, the type of air pollution being emitted. Fees for processing of permit applications are shown in Rule 301

Fee reductions for multiple permits  (Return to Top)

If a business seeks permits for more than one identical unit, the full fee is only required for the first unit. Each additional unit is charged a reduced fee according to Rule 301.

Reduced fees for small businesses  (Return to Top)

Small businesses are entitled to lower fee rates as shown in Rule 301. A small business is defined by AQMD Rule 102 and Rule 301

Permit fees for certified/registered equipment  (Return to Top)

Certain types of equipment are already certified by their manufacturer. Under this system, businesses can obtain permits for certified/registered equipment quickly, either by mail or over the counter. Fees for such permits are lower than those for permits requiring individual review according to Rule 301 provisions. 

Higher permit fee for failing to obtain a permit  (Return to Top)

If equipment is operated, built, erected, installed, altered or replaced without first obtaining a required permit it shall be subject to a higher processing fee according to Rule 301 (c)(1)(D). 

Annual operating permit renewal fee  (Return to Top)

You will be billed each year for the annual operating fee listed in Rule 301. This fee must be paid by the due date on the billing statement to avoid cancellation of your permit which could result in a reinstatement fee.

Annual operating permit emission fees  (Return to Top)

Industrial sources must pay fees for releasing certain air pollutants in excess of four tons per year. The one exception is carbon monoxide (CO). The fees for CO are based on emissions of 100 tons or more.

Fees for emissions are affixed on a per ton basis. The pollutants include reactive organic compounds (ROC), specific organic, particulate matter (PM or PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx).  You will be billed for annual operating permit emission fees according to Rule 301.  If no payment is received a late payment penalty shall be assessed. 

AQMD Fee Review Committee  (Return to Top)

If you have reason to believe that your fees were assessed incorrectly or in a way that is inconsistent with Regulation III, please contact the Public Advisor at (909) 396-2744 and request a petition to have your fees reviewed by AQMD’s Fee Review Committee

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