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Meeting with Russian Collaborators

May 10, 2009

Meeting attendees (Photo credit: Barb DeLuisi)

ESRL hosted a meeting in Boulder with scientists from Russia collaborating on the Arctic Atmospheric Observatory in Tiksi, Russia. The U.S. side the delegation was led by ESRL's Physical Sciences Division (PSD) researcher Taneil Uttal. From the Russian side, the delegation was led by A. Danilov, Deputy Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Roshydromet. Other PSD personnel involved in the meeting included Luda Matrosova and Lisa Darby. Russ Schnell from ESRL's Global Monitoring Division and Sharon Le Duc, Deputy Director, NOAA/NCDC also participated. The meeting on the science program for the Hydrometeorological observatory (HMO) in Tiksi took place at ESRL during the period 10-17 May 2009. The main purpose of the meeting was to approve a working document to guide science programs at Tiksi and begin development of Roshydromet-NOAA science collaboration partners. A number of logistic issues regarding the 2009 installation schedule were also addressed. NOAA is planning to install a Baseline Surface Radiation Network site, a Climate Reference Network site, a micrometeorological flux tower and the foundations for a Global Atmosphere Watch Station in Tiksi during August of 2009.Taking advantage of the visit by the Russian delegation in Boulder, representatives of the NOAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems made a presentation and discussed the possibility of involving Russia in a UAS program between the Arctic Nations.

Contact: Taneil Uttal More Information: