Home > International Economic Accounts > U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Postion Data

U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Data

Visit our interactive system to display and download customizable time series tables and charts using annual U.S. direct investment abroad balance of payments and direct investment position data back to 1982. More information on interactive system.

Quarterly Data

  • Capital flows without current-cost adjustment (also shows annual totals)
    • 1994:I-2009: I | XLS
  • Income without current-cost adjustment and net of withholding taxes (also shows annual totals)
    • 1994:I-2009: I | XLS

Country by industry detail

Country detail (includes all countries in which there is direct investment)

Industry detail (includes all industries)

Historical Data

  • Changes in methodology and presentation for U.S. direct investment abroad, balance of payments, and position data on a historical-cost basis | 1977, 1982, 1994 | HTML
  • Historical country detail for position, capital flows, and income
    • Position on a historical-cost basis | 1966-76, 1977-81 | HTML
    • Capital flows without current-cost adjustment | 1966-76, 1977-81 | HTML
    • Income without current-cost adjustment and net of withholding taxes | 1966-76, 1977-81 | HTML

Note: These tables provide detailed estimates by country and by industry that are not available in the U.S. international investment position or U.S. international transactions accounts. However, the data in these tables differ in certain respects from the data in those accounts. More information on direct investment data.

The U.S. international investment position and the international transactions accounts are available on the international page.

Last updated: Friday, July 17, 2009