System maintenance is being done today at 4pm MDT. This work may affect web and data availability.

PSD Map Room Climate Products

The means and anomalies in the table below are from the NCEP operational dataset. The operational climatology used to produce the anomalies is based on data from 1985-95. During this period, the assimilating general circulation model underwent many changes.

Global Circulation and Anomalies (Operational Data)

Operational plots contain data through (MM/DD/YYYY) = 08/26/2009

Daily (Non-Interpolated) OLR plots contain data through (MM/DD/YYYY) = 08/25/2009

Interpolated OLR plots contain data through (MM/DD/YYYY) = 05/31/2003

(1) Mean and Anomaly plots are combined into ONE Two-panel plots.
(2) The One-panel mean and anomaly plots are available and accessible from the Two-panel web pages.

01-Day 07-Day 30-Day 90-Day 180-Day 365-Day Time-Longitude Plots
500 mb Heights (Northern Hemisphere): X X X X X X 1-day Mean & Anomaly
200 mb Heights: X X X X X X  
200 mb Eddy Heights (Northern Hemisphere): X X X X X X  
250 mb Winds: X X X X X X 1-day Mean & Anomaly
150 mb Winds: X X X X X X
50 mb Winds: X X X X X X Construct your own
Time-Section Plots
Using NCEP Daily Data
250 mb Zonal Mean U-Winds: X X X X X X
Surface Winds: X X X X X X
Sea Level Pressure: X X X X X X
Sea Level Pressure: TROPICS X X X X X X
Surface Temperatures:
(see reanalysis, more stable climo available)
Daily (Non-Interpolated) OLR: X X X X X X
Interpolated Outgoing Longwave Radiation: X X X X X X
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Last Update Times:

500 mb Heights: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 12:55:50 MDT
200 mb Heights: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 12:56:57 MDT
200 mb Eddy Heights: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 12:57:59 MDT
250 mb Winds: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 12:59:42 MDT
150 mb Winds: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 13:01:25 MDT
50 mb Winds: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 13:02:46 MDT
250 mb Zonal Winds: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 12:59:58 MDT
Surface Winds: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 13:04:09 MDT
Sea Level Pressure: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 13:05:03 MDT
Surface Temps: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 13:06:05 MDT
Daily OLR: Tuesday, 25-Aug-2009 14:02:47 MDT
Interp OLR: Wednesday, 21-Jan-2009 10:54:59 MST
Time-Longitude Plots: Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 12:42:24 MDT