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Chairman Burke Reappointed to AQMD Board

June 10, 2009

AQMD Governing Board Chairman William A. Burke, Ed.D., has been reappointed to another four-year term on the AQMD Board by state Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass. Burke, a prominent Los Angeles business leader, with a long history of public service, has served on the AQMD Board since 1993. Dr. Burke was originally appointed to AQMD by Speaker Willie Brown and was subsequently reappointed by Speakers Bustamante, Hertzberg, Nuñez and now Bass.

Burke has initiated a number of landmark AQMD programs including the agency’s Environmental Justice Initiatives, Low-Emission Fleet Vehicle Regulations, Clean Port Initiative, SoCal Climate Solutions Exchange and this year’s Helping Hand Initiative. His new term will run from January 2010 to January 2014.

Dr. Burke is also currently a member of the California Coastal Commission and has previously served as member of the California Fish and Game Commission and the City of Los Angeles Fire Commission. While serving as a Fish and Game Commissioner, Dr. Burke spearheaded conservation of the California condor.


This page updated: June 10, 2009