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Title V Permit Program


What's New in Title V?:  

Purpose of the Title V Permitting Program

Generally, Title V Permitting Program provides for:

  • EPA veto authority over permit issuance,

  • Greater opportunity for federal and citizen enforcement,

  • Enhanced public participation during the permit issuance process,

  • Clearer determination of applicable requirements; and

  • Improved enforceability of applicable requirements.

The links in the left border of this page provide access to information about AQMD's Title V Permitting Program.

Title V Administrative Requirements

Once a Title V permit is issued, the facility must comply with administrative requirements specified in the permit.  The following links provide general information on these requirements:

Please contact AQMD's Subscription Services at (909) 396-3720 to purchase a copy of the Draft TGD.


Photo Credit:  Ralph Turcotte, Beverly (Massachusetts) Times