
Opinions appear on this site by 10:00 a.m. PT on the day of release. By default, the “Advanced Search” tool is closed. To open "Advanced Search," click the button below. This is a powerful tool that can be used to search the entire database of opinions and display them by year, month, case type, case number and case name. You can also use the “Published Within” option to search based on date of publication. Use the "View" option to change the number of opinions displayed per page. Click the cells in the top row of the table to display opinions by case title, case number, case type, case code and date filed.

*: immediate filing
o: order
oa: order amending
oad: oa dissent
oop: order & opinion
o2: second opinion
eb: en banc
ebop: en banc opinion
ebo: en banc order
cd: concurrence/dissent
oad: order amend. dissent
ad: amended dissent
s: supplemental opinion
sd: supplemental dissent
ao: amended opinion
co: corrected opinion
app: appendix