Study Design, Randomization, Placebos - 2009 (Session 6)

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Air date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 8:30:00 AM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local
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Description: Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research

Department of Clinical Bioethics

This course is designed to provide a historical context for research regulations and to help researchers and others working in human subject research gain insights and skills into the development of research protocols and their ethical implementation.

Objectives of the Course:

To learn the codes, declarations, and other documents that govern the ethical conduct of human subject research; review the critical elements of informed consent and their implementation in actual informed consent documents for clinical research; explore controversial issues relating to human subject research, including Phase I research, randomization, children in research, international research, etc; review the purpose if IRBs and provide IRB-like experience in reviewing research protocols; understand the experience of human subjects who have participated in research protocols.

8:30-9:15                    Ethics of Randomized Clinical Trials: Clinical Equipoise            

                                    Robert Truog, M.D.     

Professor of Anesthesiology & Medical Ethics

Harvard Medical School


9:15-9:25                    Discussion


9:25- 10:10                 Ethics of Placebo Controlled Trials  

                                    Frank Miller, Ph.D.

Department of Bioethics CC/NIH  


10:10- 10:20               Discussion


10:20- 10:35               Break


10:35- 11:30               Participant panel

For more information, visit

Author: Robert Truog and Frank Miller
Runtime: 180 minutes
CIT File ID: None
CIT Live ID: 7869