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Legislative Committee

Committee Members

Staff:  Julie Franco, (909) 396-2958

Committee Calendar
2006/07, 2004/05, 2002/03, 2000/01, 1998/99, 1996/97

2008 2009
Meeting Date Agenda Meeting Date Agenda
Jan 11 Document graphic Jan 16 Document graphic
Feb 8 Document graphic Feb 13 Document graphic
Mar 14 Document graphic Mar 13

Mar 25
Special Meeting**

Document graphic

Document graphic

Apr 11 Document graphic Apr 10

Apr 24
Special Meeting**

Document graphic

Document graphic

May 9 Document graphic May 8 Document graphic
Jun 13 Document graphic Jun 12 Document graphic
Jul 18 Document graphic Jul 17 Document graphic
No meeting
No meeting
Sep 12 Document graphic Sep 18  
Oct 10 Document graphic Oct 9  
Nov 14
No meeting
* Nov 13  
Dec 12 Document graphic Dec 11  

*Meeting Cancelled

Question About An Agenda Item?

  • The name of the appropriate staff person to call for additional information or to resolve concerns is listed for each agenda item.
  • In preparation for the meeting, you are encouraged to obtain whatever clarifying information may be needed to allow the Committee to move expeditiously in its deliberations.