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   Administrative Committee

Staff:  Tania Christman, (909) 396-3029

Committee Calendar
2006/07, 2004/05, 2002/03, 2000/01, 1998/99, 1996/97

2008 2009
Meeting Date Agenda Meeting Date Agenda
Jan 11 Document graphic Jan 16 Document graphic
Feb 8 Document graphic Feb 13 Document graphic
Mar 14 Document graphic Mar 13 Document graphic
Apr 11 Document graphic Apr 10 Document graphic
May 9 Document graphic May 1

May 8
Document graphic

Document graphic

Jun 13 Document graphic Jun 12 Document graphic
Jul 18* Document graphic Jul 17* Document graphic
No meeting
No meeting
Sep 12 Document graphic Sep 18*  
Oct 10 Document graphic Oct 9  
Nov 14 Document graphic Nov 13  
Dec 12 Document graphic Dec 11  


                   *Date accommodates a holiday

Questions About An Agenda Item?

  • The name of the appropriate staff person to call for additional information or to resolve concerns is listed for each agenda item.

  • In preparation for the meeting, you are encouraged to obtain whatever clarifying information may be needed to allow the Committee to move expeditiously in its deliberations.


This page updated: July 14, 2009