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Updated on August 13, 2009

AQMD Receives $45.4 million Grant to Develop
 Medium-duty Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

On August 5, AQMD was awarded a
$45.4 million grant from the Department of Energy American Recovery and Reinvestment Act designed to accelerate the development of U.S.-manufactured next-generation batteries and electric vehicles.

SB 696 provides a clear path to lift permit moratorium in the South Coast
On July 24, a recent federal court ruling cleared the way for proposed SB 696, authored by State Senator Rod Wright, to immediately lift a permit moratorium for air permits in Southern California. That moratorium has blocked over 1,200 permits for planned projects representing more than $5 billion of lost investment and tens of thousands of jobs.

School Districts Receive Millions to Replace Dirty Diesel School Buses

On July 10, AQMD awarded nearly $43 million to help school districts in the Southland purchase clean-burning compressed natural gas and propane buses to replace the dirtiest diesel school buses in their fleets.

500 Additional Ultra-Low Emission Trucks to Join Port Fleet
AQMD will administer a $74 million grant that will help the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles purchase over 500 natural gas trucks. This new grant initiative follows a successful program in 2008 that added more than 2,200 trucks that currently meet or exceed 2007 U.S. EPA emission standards.

AQMD Investigation Finds No Significant Air Toxic Risk from Santa Fe Springs Metal Facility

AQMD collected air samples at Heraeus Metal Processing Inc. in Santa Fe Springs to test for the presence of hydrazine, a toxic chemical, after an EPA report showed high air pollution risk levels in nearby Cerritos. Results from air samples show that the company does not pose a significant cancer risk to the surrounding community.
Results of AQMD Investigation 

Chairman Burke Reappointed to AQMD Board

AQMD Governing Board Chairman William A. Burke, Ed.D., has been reappointed to another four-year term on the AQMD Board by state Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass. Burke, a prominent Los Angeles business leader, with a long history of public service, has served on the AQMD Board since 1993.

AQMD Announces Grants for Tree Planting Projects

On June 5, AQMD established the Tree Planting Partnership -- a match funding opportunity for cities and counties within AQMD's four-county jurisdiction.  A total of $1.5 million will be available to co-sponsor additional tree planting projects.

Agency Offering Information on Federal Stimulus Funding Opportunities

To get more information about the stimulus package and how our region can maximize opportunities to get its fair share of funds, call (909) 396-3333 or email Archived copies of presentations from AQMD’s workshop on the stimulus package are also available.

AQMD Staff to Enhance Odor Identification Capabilities

On May 1, AQMD’s Governing Board approved a contract with a UCLA team of olfactory experts for a pilot program expected to improve the agency’s ability to identify odor sources and potential mitigating factors in resolving odor complaints.

First Natural Gas-Powered Concrete Truck to be Used for Local Construction

The AQMD Governing Board approved funds to demonstrate a prototype natural gas-powered concrete mixer truck to help reduce emissions from the construction sector, a major source of smog-forming and toxic diesel emissions. Heavy-duty trucks are among the largest contributors of smog-forming pollutants in the South Coast Air Basin.

AQMD Strengthens Rule to Further Reduce
Particulate Matter Emissions from Area Cement Plants

AQMD's Governing Board has amended Rule 1156, which will further reduce particulate matter emissions as well as the toxic chemical hexavalent chromium from cement manufacturing facilities.  The new regulation stems from the AQMD's discovery of elevated levels of hexavalent chromium in dust blowing from a regional cement plant.

Agency first in the nation to adopt a rule to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from consumer paint thinners

AQMD's Board has adopted a regulation to reduce smog-forming pollution in paint thinners used by consumers.  In less than two years, Rule 1143 will have reduced VOC pollution by 9.75 tons per day - equal to shutting down all major oil refineries in LA County.

Agency and states win victory over weak soot health standards

AQMD, along with 17 states and cities, has won a major legal victory over lax Bush Administration standards for fine soot pollution that failed to protect public health.

A Clean Air Technology Networking Conference will lend a “Helping Hand” to stakeholders

The AQMD’s Governing Board is hoping to give the local economy a break. As part of the newly-approved “Helping Hand” initiative, originally proposed by Chairman William Burke, the agency will introduce investment bankers and venture capitalists to clean air technology developers in order to expedite the introduction of low-emission technologies.


In Other News
Helping Hand Initiative of 2009
EPA announces air toxics monitoring program at three South Coast Air Basin schools
More | AQMD Fact Sheet | En Español News Coverage

California service stations required to comply with new pollution rule
More| Fact Sheet (PDF, 50.2 k)

Court decision prevents AQMD from issuing permits for new projects
More     (PDF, 264k)

Wildfire Information:
Fire Safety Alert Fact Sheets

How to Protect Your Family from the Health Effects of Smoke

Wildfire Smoke
(PDF File, 1.32 Mb)

AIRNOW: Local Air Quality Information


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This page updated: August 13, 2009