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Certified List of Fume Suppressants for Facilities Performing Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations

Rule 1469 requires the owner or operator of a chromium electroplating or chromic acid anodizing tank currently using a wetting agent fume suppressant to use a California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified chemical fume suppressant.

Certification requires that the fume suppressant be able to reduce or suppress hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) emissions at the surface of an electroplating or anodizing bath through the reduction of surface tension of the bath to a level at which an emission factor of 0.01 milligrams of Cr+6/ampere-hour is achieved.

The following list of certified fume suppressants have all been tested and certified by CARB to meet an emission limitation of 0.01 milligrams of Cr+6/ampere-hour of applied current at the stated surface tension.

List of Certified Wetting-Agent Chemical Fume Suppressant Products, Companies, and Usage Restrictions



Stalagmometer Measured Surface Tension (dynes/cm)

Tensiometer Measured Surface Tension (dynes/cm)

  Contact Name


Atotech USA

Fumetrol 140

< 40

< 35

Gary Wannlund


Benchmark Products

Benchbrite CR-1800

< 40

< 35

Steve Erwin


Hunter Chemical LLC HCA-6.2

< 32

< 28

Ben Brock (215)
ext. 208
Hunter Chemical LLC HCA-4

< 32

< 28

Ben Brock (215)
ext. 208


Clepo Chrome Mist Control 74095

< 40

< 35

Ken Kraemer


This list will be updated periodically when new products have been certified by CARB to meet the rule limit.  Contact Carla Takemoto of CARB at (916) 324-8028 for more information on product testing and certification.

DISCLAIMER: All wetting-agent fume suppressant products included in this list are certified by CARB as able to meet an emission limitation of 0.01 milligrams of hexavalent chromium per ampere-hour of applied current, by reducing the surface tension of hexavalent chromium electroplating or chromic acid anodizing baths, provided they are used in sufficient quantity to reduce the surface tension of the plating or anodizing bath to the value listed in the table in addition to following manufacturers' usage directions.   The list is arranged alphabetically and the AQMD in no way endorses any of these products.  Source test results used to develop the maximum surface tensions listed in this table are limited to certification of wetting-agent chemical fume suppressants only and should not be used for other purposes.