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RESEM, the Retrofit Energy Savings Estimation Model, is a PC-based tool designed to allow Department of Energy (DOE) Institutional Conservation Program (ICP) staff and participants to reliably determine the energy savings directly caused by ICP-supported retrofit measures implemented in a building. RESEM incorporates several innovative techniques into an interactive tool designed to ease completion of this demanding analytical task. For maximum accuracy and validity, energy savings are calculated directly from actual utility data, with sophisticated corrections for weather and use variations between the pre-retrofit and post-retrofit utility data collection periods.

Key Capabilities

Some of the important features and capabilities of RESEM include:
  • PC Based: RESEM is a self-contained software package that has been designed to run on any IBM-PC or 100% compatible with 640 Kbytes of RAM. RESEM executes fast enough that the session time for an interactive analysis consists primarily of the time to collect, organize, and input data. RESEM contains, or automatically accesses, all supporting information necessary for the analysis, such as weather data and engineering defaults.
  • Interactive Interface: The RESEM interface has been designed to lead the unfamiliar user through the entire energy savings analysis process, while allowing the experienced user substantial freedom in accessing its full analysis capabilities. Although RESEM is DOS-based and keyboard driven, it uses pull-down menus and pop-up data entry screens and dialog boxes. Descriptive hint lines and allowable choice lists appear on-screen to guide the user. Default values are automatically entered into most data fields prior to display for editing.
  • Flexible Input Requirements: RESEM can develop savings estimates from as little as the year of construction, total floor area, building type, utility data for both pre- and post-retrofit periods, and a description of the retrofit modifications. A default building generator creates a complete pre-retrofit description that includes all details of building geometry, envelope constructions, HVAC equipment, lighting, and usage schedules. RESEM also allows the user access to data screens that provide a detailed description of any or all of these aspects of the building where details are necessary for the most accurate savings estimates.
  • Push-Button ECMs: Many of the specific retrofit types recognized by the ICP program are direct menu selections that lead the user to minimal input screens and then automatically make the required building description modifications. For more unique or complex ECMs, the user can access detailed input screens containing all building description parameters. RESEM also allows additional non-ECM modifications to be described which may affect post-retrofit utility data.
  • Comprehensive Outputs: RESEM user-selectable reports include verification summaries of all inputs, analysis results including pre- and post-retrofit energy use broken out by fuel type and end-use, and retrofit energy savings estimates.

RESEM Executive Summary


This software was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Copyright © 1991 Regents of the University of California - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Downloading RESEM

You may download RESEM free of charge by selecting the archive link below. The zipped archive contains the basic set of files needed for executing RESEM along with the RESEM Reference Manual in Portable Document Format (PDF). The manual can be viewed and/or printed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. The Reference Manual includes a step-by-step tutorial that leads a new user through the entire retrofit energy savings estimation process for an example project.

Take a moment to fill out and submit the Registration Form so that we can include you in our RESEM database. Registration will assure that you receive notification of future RESEM developments.

Please note that we do not offer user support for RESEM.

  • Download RESEM

    To Execute RESEM

    • Download the RESEM zipped archive above.
    • Place the zipped archive in any desired directory (folder) on your computer.
    • Unzip the archive using the directory (folder) names stored in the archive.
    • Execute the RESEM.BAT DOS batch file by either typing RESEM at a DOS prompt, or by double-clicking the RESEM.BAT file in Windows Explorer or File Manager.
    • Refer to the RESEM Reference Manual (RESEM.PDF) for user information and for a step-by-step tutorial on using RESEM.

Downloading Additional RESEM Weather Data


You may download additional RESEM weather data by selecting the weather archive link below. The zipped weather archive contains the complete collection of RESEM weather data files including 212 U.S. locations. For each location, the weather data set consists of 10 actual-year data files for calendar years 1981 through 1990, based on NOAA TD-3280 data, and one annual long-term average file, based on TMY data.
  • RESEM Weather - a 11,000K (11MB) Zipped Archive (NOT YET AVAILABLE)

    To Install Additional RESEM Weather Data

    • Download the RESEM Weather zipped archive above.
    • Place the zipped archive in the WX sub-directory (folder) created on your computer during the original installation of RESEM described above.
    • Extract the desired location weather files from the weather archive using the WX sub-directory (folder) names stored in the archive.
    • The newly extracted weather locations should now appear in the Weather Location list under the RESEM Project pull-down menu.
For more information: R.J. Hitchcock
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