United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

News Releases  (07/08/2009 - 08/07/09)

 Obama Administration and the State of California Fix Post 9/11 GI Bill Tuition Glitch - Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced today a joint solution has been reached between the State of California and the VA concerning how tuition and fees are determined. The new definition will allow for standardized application under the new Post 9/11 GI Bill and the accompanying Yellow Ribbon program. (8/4/09)

 Supporting Our Troops: The Post 9/11 GI Bill - Today, President Obama celebrated the beginning of implementation of the Post 9/11 GI Bill. This bill, through its Yellow Ribbon Programs and partnerships with colleges and universities throughout the nation, will provide our service members with the most generous educational benefits package since the original GI Bill of 1944. (8/3/09)

 Secretary Shinseki Meets with Philippine President Arroyo - The status of benefits to Filipino Veterans of World War II was a prime topic recently when Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki met with Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. (7/31/09)

VA Medical Imaging Reaches Record Level - VistA Imaging, the medical and health care imaging system used in Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers, attained over one billion stored images in January this year, according to the department. (7/24/09)

Veterans Affairs Helps Veteran Small-Business Owners - More than 1,000 Veterans who own small businesses and seek to do more contracting with the federal government recently heard Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki extol the importance of small businesses and reaffirm the commitment of the Department of Veterans Affairs to help veterans start or expand their companies. (7/22/09)

Top Obama Administration Officials Hold Rural Health Community Forum - Four Cabinet Secretaries will host a rural health community forum today in St. John Parish, La., to share information about the federal government’s efforts to rebuild and revitalize rural America. This is the next leg of a tour launched by President Obama, showcasing how communities, states, and the federal government can work together to help strengthen rural America.  (7/20/09)

Secretary Shinseki Announces Next Steps in Technology Advancements to Reduce Wasteful Spending and Increase Accountability - The Department of Veterans Affairs announced today that it will temporarily halt 45 information technology projects which are either behind schedule or over budget. These projects will be reviewed, and it will be determined whether these projects should be continued. (7/17/09)

VA Leaders Discuss Diversity and Benefits at LULAC Convention - Joining other top administration officials addressing America’s Hispanic leaders this week at the 80th annual convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens were two Department of Veterans Affairs executives with pledges of ethnic inclusion and outreach to Veterans from the nation’s second largest government department.  (7/17/09)

VA Expanding Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery - The Department of Veterans Affairs awarded an architect-engineer contract for more than $1.3 million to SmithGroup JJR, LLC, to prepare construction documents for a gravesite expansion and other improvements at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Ill. (7/15/09)

VA Announces $26 Million Construction Contract for Palo Alto - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced the award of a $26 million contract to a San Francisco firm to construct a new 80-bed acute psychiatric facility at VA’s Palo Alto Health Care System. (7/15/09)

More Than 1,100 Colleges and Universities Partner with VA to Improve GI Bill Benefits - Over 1,100 colleges, universities and schools across the country have entered into “Yellow Ribbon” program agreements with the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve financial aid for Veterans participating in the Post-9/11 GI Bill.  (7/13/09)

VA Expands Acute Inpatient Care Services for New Hampshire Veterans - Veterans in New Hampshire will have improved access to acute inpatient hospital care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, thanks to VA’s decision to expand its community partnership with Concord Hospital. Concord Hospital is a centrally located regional medical center that offers traditional acute care services in 42 medical specialties. (7/13/09)

VA Secretary Announces $1 Million to Develop New Miramar Annex - The Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded nearly $1 million to a small business to begin expanding burial services for Veterans in the San Diego area by developing the new Miramar Annex.  (7/10/09)

Milwaukee VA Hospital Gains New Spinal Cord Treatment Center - The Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded a $26.9 million contract to design and build a free-standing spinal cord injury center at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center. (7/10/09)

VA Awards $3.7 Million for El Paso Cemetery Project - The Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded more than $3.7 million for a construction project at Fort Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso.  (7/9/09)

VA Expanding Fort Jackson National Cemetery - The Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded more than $10 million to a construction company based in Charleston, S.C. to develop the next phase of the Fort Jackson National Cemetery in Columbia, which opened for burials in January. (7/9/09)

VA Advisory Committee on Women Veterans Visits Dallas - As part of a Department of Veterans Affairs upgrade of programs and services for women Veterans, the Department’s Advisory Committee on Women Veterans, an expert panel that advises VA on issues and programs affecting women Veterans, recently traveled to the VA North Texas Health Care System in Dallas.  (7/9/09)

Stimulus Funds Support VA Energy Conservation Efforts - As part of a clean-energy transformation, the Department of Veterans Affairs is targeting nearly one-quarter of its $1.4 billion in funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to investments in clean energy generation and energy conservation.  (7/8/09)

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