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Researchers and MSL
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory employs many talented researchers from a wide cross-section of science and technology disciplines. Researchers at JPL are involved in many different research projects and NASA missions that make use of their educational background and the experience they have built on over the years.Read More about Profiles
Ioannis Mikellides
For the development of outstanding computational models of the plasma physics in electric propulsion hollow cathodes, and of their major wear mechanisms.Read More about Ioannis Mikellides View All Winners
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Hui Su

By Hui Su
Microwave Atmospheric Science
08.11.2009 4:25 PM
Posted In: Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Science

Prof. Bin Wang from the University of Hawaii visited JPL on Wednesday, August 5. He is a renowned expert on hurricane research and atmospheric dynamics. He led a proposal to NASA Hurricane Science Research Program (ROSES08) last year, in which Brian Kahn and I are JPL Co-Is. The proposal has been selected. His visit thus marked the official start of our collaborations. Bin presented very impressive WRF simulations of concentric eyewall replacement to form annular hurricane, which is a type of ...Read More on 'Prof. Bin Wang’s visit and Hurricane Research'
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The designation "Senior Research Scientist" (SRS) has been established at JPL to provide special recognition, benefits, responsibilities and privileges for outstanding individual researchers in science and technology.More about SRS Lists The Senior Research Scientist Council is responsible for representing the interest of the science and technology community at JPL to management and undertaking tasks of importance to the research community.More about SRS Council
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