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CDC Prevention Guidelines

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Table of Contents

What Is In the CDC Prevention Guidelines
In What Forms Are the Prevention Guidelines Available
MMWR Disclaimer


The CDC Prevention Guidelines Database (PGDB) was developed to allow state and local health officials and other public health practitioners to quickly access current CDC prevention guidelines. It is a repository of the full text, tables, and graphics of CDC's prevention guidelines and recommendations.

What Is In the CDC Prevention Guidelines Database

Now containing well over 400 documents, the CDC Prevention Guidelines database includes guidelines for the prevention and control of such public health threats as AIDS, cholera, disaster response, dengue fever, suicide, vaccine-preventable diseases, lung cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, birth defects, and malaria. It includes all of the ACIP immunization recommendations, CDC's sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, and the entire "yellow book" (Health Information for International Travelers).

About two-thirds of the documents in the database were originally published in CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). The others were published as CDC monographs, as books or book chapters, as brochures, or as articles in peer-reviewed journals. A Steering Committee at CDC selects entries for the prevention guidelines database through recommendations of the Associate Directors for Science and PGDB liaisons at CDC's centers, institutes, and offices. The Steering Committee includes representatives from the Public Health Practice Program Office, the Information Resources Management Office, and the Epidemiology Program Office at CDC.

In What Forms Are the Prevention Guidelines Available

The main Prevention Guidelines database is maintained at CDC. This central database is always current, and is electronically accessible on the Internet via CDC's World Wide Web site ( and CDC's World Wide Web Prevention Guidelines site ( The internet WWW version of the Prevention Guidelines, developed by CDC WONDER staff, was first released in August 1995. The database was first made available in February 1994 to users of CDC WONDER for DOS.

MMWR Disclaimer

Many of the articles in the Prevention Guidelines Database were originally published in the MMWR. CDC's official MMWR electronic copy-of-record is the MMWR in Adobe Acrobat *.pdf (portable document format). The MMWR files in our Prevention Guidelines Database were created by an automated process and, although they have been proofread, there may be character translations (e.g. for Greek letters and other scientific symbols).

To receive the official electronic MMWR *.pdf copy of record readers should select one of the following choices:


The Steering Committee for the CDC Prevention Guidelines has included Patrick W. O'Carroll, MD, MPH, Raymond M. (Bud) Nicola, MD, MHSA, Mark W. Oberle, MD, MPH, Stephen Teutch, MD, MPH, and Andrew Friede, MD, MPH.

We are grateful to the CDC scientists who wrote all this material. The liasons from each of the CDC offices that helped identify and furnish materials include: Gloria Kovach (ACIP); Patti Poindexter (ATSDR); Michael Deming (IHPO); Suzanne Hewitt (EPO); Jennifer Brooks (HIV/AIDS); Gwen Ingram (NCPIC); Rick Hull (NCCDPHP); Dick Campolucci (NCPS, now NCHSTP); Marilyn Disirio (NCEH); Barbara McCollum (NIP); Polly Potter (NCID); John Whalen and Thomas Ziegler (NIOSH); Jonathan Richmond (OHS); Tom Skinner (OPA).

Dixie Snider, MD, Associate Director for Science, CDC, supported this project; the Associate Directors for Science and other senior scientists who reviewed the selection of articles includes: John Andrews, MD, MPH and Charles Xintaras, PhD (ATSDR); Michael Deming, MD (IHPO); Adele Franks, MD (NCCDPHP); Sam Dooley, Peter Drotman, and Bess Miller (formerly NCPS, now NCHSTP); Thomas Sinks, PhD (NCEH); Stephen Ostroff, MD (NCID); Richard Waxweiler, PhD (NCIPC).

Contributors to constructing and administering the database include: Patrick O'Carroll and Andrew Friede (Design); Kathy Grooms and Lisa Elison (database management); Michele Shaheen and Heitzso (computer programming); Nancy Hughes, Earnestine Dooley, Ron Peterson, Lesley Peters, Jimmy Hammond (editorial assistance); and Sigrid Economou (project coordination).

Funding for the database was provided by the Robert W. Woodruff, Jr. Foundation via the CDC INPHO (Information Network for Public Health Officials), under the leadership of David Ross, ScD and Edward Baker, Jr. MD, MPH; and by the CDC Office of Program Planning and Evaluation via 1% evaluation monies administered by Wilma Johnson and Martha Katz.

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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