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Tiberi Attempts to Improve Democrats’ Healthcare Bill

Washington, Jul 16 -

U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) today intends to offer anamendment during the Committee on Ways and Means markup of the bureaucratic-runhealthcare plan.  The Tiberi amendment,Truth in Spending, would help protect taxpayers from soaring costs.

“The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), bytheir own admission, hasn’t fully analyzed the Democrats’ bill to estimate thecost of this bureaucracy-riddled healthcare plan.  Since we don’t even know if thegovernment-run plan will be fully paid for in the coming years, preventing theUnited States from acquiring more debt, I plan to introduce a measure to helpaddress this unknown.  My amendment wouldcreate a trigger that requires the president to submit a plan that restrictsspending on the healthcare reform plan if the actual cost of this measure isgreater than the cost that the CBO estimated when this bill was firstintroduced.  This prevents Congress fromraising taxes even more in future years to pay for this bill. 

“The Democrats are forcing this bill through Congress at arapid pace.  Because we don’t know thefull implications of the measure, let’s not allow the cure to be worse than thedisease.  We must reform healthcare theright way.  Americans deserve to know thetrue cost of the Democrats’ plan.  Howeversince Democrats are adamant about rushing this bill through, we need to ensuretaxpayers have proper protections so as not to be stuck with soaring costs.”


Note:  Amendmentsrequire a simple majority vote in committee to be included in the bill thatwill be considered on the Floor.

Note: Roll Callpublished an articlethis morning headlined House Health Bill Under Fire, outlining some Democrats’objections to this health plan. 

Including, criticism like:

“It still looks like a budget buster,” said Rep. Jim Cooper(D-Tenn.), who complained that despite the $1 trillion cost it would still failto cover every American.

“But [Rep Mike] Ross [D-AR] said the changes don’t go farenough and threaten small businesses who already cannot afford insurance.”

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