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Office of the Chief Scientist and Chief Technologist

SRS Council

The Senior Research Scientist Council is responsible for representing the interest of the science and technology community at JPL to management and undertaking tasks of importance to the research community.

The Senior Research Scientists Council was established in 2006 for the purpose of:

  1. Representing the interests of the JPL science and technology community to the JPL management
  2. Undertaking studies and activities of importance to the JPL science and technology community
  3. advising the Chief Scientist and Chief Technologist on matters relating to the research program of the laboratory
  4. acting as an advocacy body for the health of research at JPL

The JPL Senior Research Council is composed of nine members, listed below:

  • Josette Bellan
  • Ara Chutjian
  • Torrence Johnson
  • Larry Matthies
  • Robert Nelson
  • Ronald Pogorzelski
  • Paul Weissman
  • Matt Golombek
  • Isik Kanik (chair)

Site Manager:  Brian Knosp
Webmasters:  Cornell Lewis, Maryia Davis
Science Writer:  Samantha Harvey
JPL Clearance:  CL#08-4147