Consumer Corner

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2008 TTB California Wine Seminars

TTB is hosting a series of free, one-day seminars for the wine industry throughout April.  Presenters will include representatives from the California Field Office and the Advertising, Labeling and Formulation Division, as well as the Wine Industry Analyst.  Our experts will present topics that will help you better understand Federal requirements relevant to the wine industry, and help you avoid common compliance pitfalls. 

The seminars will run from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  We will break for about one hour around noon each day for lunch.  We will not furnish food or beverages.

On the agenda –

  • Morning: Changes after Qualification, Alternations/Custom Crush, Taxes
  • Afternoon: Labeling, Recordkeeping and Reports, Current Issues

There is no cost to attend these seminars, but online registration is required. Due to limited space, we can only accommodate two attendees from each winery, bonded wine cellar, or wine industry company. Please contact TTB if you encounter problems with registering online, or if you require special accommodations. 

We will no longer accept registration by phone, fax, or e-mail.





April 15, 2008

Fallbrook, CA
Pala Mesa Resort
2001 Old Highway 395

Register Online

April 17, 2008

Arroyo Grande, CA
South County Regional Center
800 W. Branch Street

Register Online

April 21, 2008

Santa Rosa, CA
Hilton Sonoma Wine Country
3555 Round Barn Boulevard

Register Online

April 22, 2008

Napa, CA
500 First Street

Register Online

April 23, 2008

Napa, CA
500 First Street

Register Online

April 24, 2008

Lodi, CA
Wine & Roses Garden Ballroom
2505 West Turner Road

Register Online


Questions? Call us at (916) 930-5604 or e-mail