U.S. Senator George Voinovich
United States Senator, Ohio
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July 31, 2009

WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH) Ranking Member of the Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee, the Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate Change and Nuclear Safety and co-chair of the Senate Auto Caucus, today released the following statement on the House passage of Car Allowance Rebate Systems or “cash for clunkers.” Sen. Voinovich was a co-sponsor of the original legislation creating the program, with Sens. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Sam Brownback (R-KS).

“I am glad the House passed an additional $2 billion to fund the cash for clunkers program, which I co-sponsored with Sen. Stabenow and Brownback. As is evident from the extraordinary response to the program, it is a win-win – it will stimulate our American economy, provide much needed jobs and it will promote fuel efficient cars to benefit our environment.” Sen. Voinovich said. “I am thankful the House understood that this money should be taken from the already-enacted stimulus bill, which I voted against earlier this year. Unfortunately, programs such as ‘cash for clunkers,’ as well as robust highway and infrastructure spending were not part of the original stimulus proposal. This type of investment provides not only jobs, but tangible assets for taxpayer dollars. I look forward to this program making its way to our American citizens to reinvigorate jobs for our auto workers, especially in Ohio during these hard economic times.”

Since his days as Ohio’s governor, Sen. Voinovich has placed a high priority on manufacturing to attract job growth and investment in Ohio. He remains committed to finding a way to harmonize our environmental, energy and economic needs while creating new jobs.

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July 2009 Press Releases

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