Consumer Information and the Mortgage Market

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Agarwal, S., Ambrose, B., Chomsisengphet, S., and Liu, C. “The Role of Soft Information in a Dynamic Contract Setting: Evidence from the Home Equity Credit Market”.

Fung, A., Graham, M., Weil, D., and Fagotto, E. “Transparency Policies: Two Possible Futures”. Taubman Center Policy Briefs. John F. Kennedy School of Government. May, 2007.

Gerardi, K., Shapiro, A.H. and Willen, P.S., 2008. “Subprime Outcomes: Risky Mortgages, Homeownership Experiences, and Foreclosures”. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Working Paper No. 07-15.

Kleiner, M. and R. Todd, 2008. Mortgage Broker Regulations that Matter: Analyzing Earnings, Employment and Outcomes for Consumers.

Lacko, J. and J. Pappalardo, 2004. The Effect of Mortgage Broker Compensation Disclosures on Consumers and Competition: A Controlled Experiment. Bureau of Economics Staff Report. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission.

Lacko, J. and J. Pappalardo, 2007. Improving Consumer Mortgage Disclosures: An Empirical Assessment of Current and Prototype Disclosure Forms. Bureau of Economics Staff Report. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission

Lusardi, A., 2008. Financial Literacy: An Essential Tool for Informed Consumer Choice?

Lusardi, A. and O. Mitchell, 2008. “Planning and Financial Literacy: How do Women Fare?” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 98:2, May.

Lusardi, A. and O. Mitchell, 2008. “How Much Do People Know About Economics and Finance? Financial Illiteracy and the Importance of Financial Education”. University of MichiganRetirementResearchCenter, No. 5 (March).

Lusardi, A. and P. Tufano, 2008. Debt Literacy, Financial Experience, and Overindebtedness.

Mayer, C., and Pence, K., “Subprime Mortgages: What, Where, and to Whom?”. Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve Board. Washington, D.C., 2008.

Pappalardo, J., 1997. “The Role of Consumer Research in Evaluating Deception: An Economist’s Perspective”. Antitrust Law Journal 65:3 (Spring).

Lynch, J. Jr., and Zauberman, G., “When Do You Want It? Time, Decisions, and Public Policy”. American Marketing Association, Vol. 25, No. 1. Spring, 2006.

Weil, D., Fung, A., Graham, M., and Fagotto, E. “The Effectiveness of Regulatory Disclosure Policies”. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 25, No. 1. 2006.

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