Federal Trade Commission's Public Workshop:
Competition Policy in The World of B2b Electronic Marketplaces Panel Participants And Agenda

Location: U.S. Department of Agriculture (Jefferson Auditorium)
14th & Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250
Overflow: There will be an overflow room available at the FTC headquarters (600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Room 432) for viewing the workshop on a 1 hour and 15 minute delayed basis.

Thursday, June 29, 2000

Opening Remarks - Chairman Robert Pitofsky (9:00-9:10 am)

Introduction to Workshop - Susan DeSanti, Director, Policy Planning (9:10-9:20 am)

Panel 1: How B2Bs Work - Models and Experience (9:20-11:40 am)

Moderator: Susan DeSanti, Director, Policy Planning
Questioners: R. Bhaskar, Policy Planning
Michael Wroblewski, Advocacy Coordinator, Policy Planning
Stephen Attanasio
President & CEO

Dale Boeth
Vice President of Strategic Development
PurchasePro.com, Inc.

Christopher G. Cogan
Founder, Chairman & CEO

Gary Fromer
Vice President, New Business and Partner Solutions SAP America, Inc.

Sam E. Kinney
Co-founder & Executive Vice President
FreeMarkets, Inc.

Patrick Stewart
President & CEO
MetalSite, L.P.

Robert Tarkoff
General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Corporate Development

Gretchen A. Teagarden
Director, B2B E-Commerce
Salomon Smith Barney, Inc.

Remarks - Commissioner Orson Swindle (11:40-11:50 am)

Lunch (11:50-1:20 pm)

Remarks - Commissioner Sheila Anthony (1:20-1:30 pm)

Panel 2: Buyer-Oriented Perspectives (1:20-3:20 pm)

Moderator: William Cohen, Deputy Director, Policy Planning
Questioners: Hillary Greene, Policy Planning
Gail Levine, Assistant Director, Policy Planning
David Medine, Associate Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection

John Allgaier
Director, Services & Supplies Purchasing
General Mills

Jon Arnold
Edison Electric Institute

David Y. Chen
Co-founder & CEO

Rod Gray
Petrocosm Corporation

Captain Kurt Huff
Supply Corps
United States Navy

Angie Kim
President & Chief Customer Officer
EqualFooting.com, Inc.

Jay Knoll
Senior Staff Counsel
Detroit Diesel Corporation

Steven J. Kafka
Analyst, eBusiness Trade
Forrester Research, Inc.

Sam E. Kinney
Co-founder & Executive Vice President
FreeMarkets, Inc.

Lori Mirek
President & CEO
Currenex, Inc.

Kaushik Shridharani
Managing Director, Business E-commerce
Bear Stearns & Co, Inc.

Gerard van Breen
Executive Vice President
Royal Ahold

Break (3:20-3:40 pm)

Panel 3: Seller-Oriented Perspectives (3:40-5:30 pm)

Moderator: Michael Wroblewski, Advocacy Coordinator, Policy Planning
Questioners: R. Bhaskar, Policy Planning
Hillary Greene, Policy Planning
Nailesh A. Bhatt
Founder & Director

Timothy Cooney
Co-founder & President
Ventures4Sale.com, Inc.

Andra P. (Andy) Dupont
Director, Electronic Market Channels
Dow Chemical Company

Leah Knight
Research Director, B2B Internet Marketplaces Worldwide
Gartner Group

Jay Knoll
Senior Staff Counsel
Detroit Diesel Corporation

Charles Libicki
Interface Logic Systems, Inc.

Hal Loevy
Vice President Global Marketing & Partnerships

Alex Mashinsky
Founder & Vice Chairman

Charles Phillips
Managing Directory, Enterprise and Internet Software
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

Harpal S. Sandhu
President & CEO
Integral Development Corp.

Dwayne Spradlin
Vice President of Corporate Development
VerticalNet, Inc.

Michael Sullivan
Chief Operating Officer

Friday, June 30, 2000

Remarks - Commissioner Mozelle Thompson (9:00-9:10 am)

Panel 4: Perspectives of Owners and Operators (9:10-10:40 am)

Moderator: Gail Levine, Assistant Director, Policy Planning
Questioner: William Cohen, Deputy Director, Policy Planning
Tim Clark
Senior Analyst
Jupiter Communications

Rod Gray
Petrocosm Corporation

Gina Haines
Co-founder & Senior Vice President Operations

Morgan C. Harting
E-Commerce Group, Manager
KPMG Consulting

Nicholas P. Heymann
Senior Vice President, Equity Research
Prudential Securities, Inc.

Roy S. Roberts
Co-founder, Chairman & CEO

Joel E. Simkins
Vice President

Tim Stojka Chairman & CEO Commerx, Inc.
Developer of PlasticsNet

Robert Verloop
Vice-President of Sales & Marketing
Mark L. Walsh
President & CEO
VerticalNet, Inc.

Break (10:40-11:00 am)

Panel 5: Future Developments and Public Policy Implications (11:00-12:15 pm)

Moderator: Debra Valentine, General Counsel
Questioner: Michael Wroblewski, Advocacy Coordinator, Policy Planning
Jere Glover
Office of Advocacy
Small Business Administration

Margaret E. Guerin-Calvert
Economists Incorporated

David Lucking-Reiley
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vanderbilt University

Catherine L. Mann
Senior Fellow
Institute for International Economics

Shyam Sunder
James L. Frank Professor of Accounting, Economics and Finance, School of
Yale University

Robert Parker
Vice-President, B2E Commerce Strategies
AMR Research, Inc.

Andrew B. Whinston
Director of the Center for Research in Electronic Commerce, Red McCombs School of
The University of Texas at Austin

Lunch (12:15-1:45 pm)

Remarks - Commissioner Thomas Leary (1:45-1:55 pm)

Panel 6: Competition Policy Implications (1:55-3:45 pm)

Moderator: Susan DeSanti, Director, Policy Planning
Questioners: Molly S. Boast, Senior Deputy Director, Bureau of Competition
William Cohen, Deputy Director, Policy Planning
William J. Baer
Arnold & Porter

Jonathan B. Baker
American University, Washington School of Law

Joseph Brodley
Boston University School of Law
Mark Cooper, Research Director
Consumer Federation of America

Edward Correia
Latham & Watkins

Harry First, Antiturst Bureau Chief
New York State Attorneys General Office

Albert A. Foer, President
American Antitrust Institute

Roxann E. Henry
Howrey, Simon , Arnold & White

Jerry J. Jasinowski, President & CEO
National Association of Manufacturers

Thomas Krattenmaker
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky & Popeo

Joel M. Mitnick
Brown & Wood LLP
Timothy K. Muris
George Mason University

Scott P. Perlman
Mayer, Brown & Platt
Phillip A. Proger

Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
Charles F. (Rick) Rule
Covington & Burling

Steven Salop
Georgetown University Law Center

Rick Warren-Boulton

Laura A. Wilkinson
Clifford Chance Rogers & Wells LLP

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 12:13:00 EDT