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Suicide Prevention Resources

Articles and Presentations

2003 Suicide Prevention NAVADMINS:


  • To order a video (which was part of the FY03 GMT curriculum), you can get a VHS copy free through the Defense Automated Visual Information System/Defense Instructional Technology Information System (DAVIS/DITIS) site. Go to Click on PIN/ICN Search and enter pin number 806677. Click on the title "Suicide Awareness: Making the Critical Decision" and then click Add Item to Shopping Cart.
  • Briefs from the 2003 Annual DoD Suicide Prevention Conference are on line. See what the Navy and Marine Corps Behavioral Health & Suicide Prevention Program Managers presented: on the After Action Heading.

Potential Plan of the Day Entry

"An unfortunate aspect of the post-holiday period is depression. Make sure those down the chain of command are aware of this and will recognize subordinates who find it difficult to transition from the festive holidays to the daily work routine. Leaders should be especially aware of behavior that indicates a Sailor or Marine is contemplating suicide. While depression and suicide are not pleasant topics, we must nonetheless acknowledge and address them - and not after the fact because that is too late. Information can be found through BuPers at or by contacting Cdr. Tony Doran, Pers 67D (Behavioral Health Branch Head) at DSN 882-4391 or commercial (901) 874-4391."

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