ORNL Neutron Sciences SNS & HFIR Logos
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Bylaws and Charter


The name of this organization shall be the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) User Group, "SHUG."


The purpose of the SHUG is to:

  • Provide a formal and clear channel for the exchange of information and advice between the investigators who perform neutron scattering and neutron science experiments at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the management of the Spallation Neutron Source, the High Flux Isotope Reactor, and the Joint Institute for Neutron Science (JINS).
  • Serve as an advocacy group for the neutron scattering and neutron science activities at SNS and HFIR.
  • Provide a communication channel among users of SNS and HFIR.


Membership in the SHUG is open to all users and potential users of the various neutron facilities at the SNS and HFIR and scientists and engineers engaged in the operation and development of these facilities. Biennial renewal of membership is required to maintain active status in the SHUG.


An annual meeting of the SHUG shall be held at a time and in a manner designated by the SHUG Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall plan the meeting, including preparation of the agenda and timely notification of the SHUG membership, with assistance from facility staff. If necessary, a special meeting of the SHUG, or a subcommittee of it, may be called by a majority of the Executive Committee or a majority of the SHUG membership. Questions of order not covered by SHUG legislation are governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.


  1. Executive Committee — The Executive Committee shall conduct the regular business of the SHUG and shall have up to 11 members consisting of the Chair, Vice-Chair, a Secretary and up to eight other members. Up to six members shall be elected by the SHUG membership each year, all but one of whom shall serve three year terms. The remaining position, for a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow, shall be a 1.5-year term.  Elections will be held in the spring or fall once every 18  months.  Terms for members shall begin on the January 1 following an election in the fall or July 1 following a spring election.  Nominations for members of the Executive Committee can be made by a motion and a second at the SHUG annual meeting or by three signatures of active SHUG members. Nominations submitted prior to September 1 (in the case of a fall election) or April 1 (in the case of a spring election) shall be accepted by the Executive Committee, which shall prepare a slate of candidates for the election. The Executive Committee shall determine the number of new Executive Committee members to be elected and will strive to have no less than 5 and no more than 11 Committee members. The election process (distributing biographies of the candidates and ballots, tallying the votes, and reporting the results) shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Executive Committee. Election of members shall be by simple pluralities of votes cast.

    In preparing a slate of candidates, the Executive Committee shall attempt to provide appropriate representation on the Executive Committee of the principal activities at the SNS and HFIR. In addition, the Executive Committee shall strive to have scientific and institutional diversity reflected in the slate of candidates. Less than half of the members of the Executive Committee shall be employees of the SNS, HFIR, or JINS.

    Special committees shall be formed as appropriate, consisting of members of the Executive Committee, to deal with special needs of the SNS, HFIR, and any important user issues, as identified by the Executive Committee.

  2. Officers — The officers of the Executive Committee shall be a Chair,  a Vice-Chair,  and a Secretary, each serving 1.5-year terms. Subsequent to the fall or spring election of new Executive Committee members, the Executive Committee in its first meeting shall select a Vice-Chair from one of the new members of the Committee. A Secretary shall also be chosen at this time. The Vice-Chair shall serve during the ensuing 1.5  year term and succeed to Chair following the next election. If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice-Chair shall assume the position of Chair, and the Executive Committee shall choose a new Vice-Chair from its membership. Neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair shall be an employee of ORNL. The former Chair shall remain as an ex-officio member of the committee during the year following his/her tenure.

    An Administrative Assistant appointed by ORNL management shall be responsible for organizing meetings and assisting with various administrative aspects of the SHUG business.

  3. Executive Committee Meetings — The Executive Committee shall meet at the time of the annual meeting and at such other times as called for by the Chair or by a majority of the Executive Committee membership.

  4. Functions and Procedures — The Executive Committee shall carry out the following functions and procedures:

    • The Executive Committee, drawing on suggestions from the membership, shall make recommendations to management for persons to serve on proposal evaluation committees.
    • The Executive Committee, drawing on suggestions from the  membership, shall make recommendations to JINS, SNS and HFIR management on matters affecting the user community such as operating policies and needs for facilities, infrastructure, and instrumentation.
    • The Executive Committee shall plan and run the annual meeting of the SHUG.
    • The Chair of the Executive Committee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the JINS Advisory Board.
    • The Executive Committee shall report back to the membership at the annual meeting and at other times as appropriate.


This charter shall be adopted if approved by two-thirds of the SHUG members voting.

A proposed amendment to this charter, bearing the signatures of at least five SHUG members, may be introduced at an annual meeting. A two-thirds majority of members voting is required for passage of the amendment.


  Information Contact: neutronusers@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science